Anime that Doesn't Suck

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Re: Anime that Doesn't Suck

Post by Labrat »

mindstalk wrote:But we're enjoying Code Geass, another hot anime now. A bit Death Notish, in a "I have power to change the world" way.
Should be interesting now that it is due to hit Cartoon Network's adult swim.
mindstalk wrote:I saw ... a full set of Bleach officers,
Hm. I actually expect that that would look pretty damn cool. Perhaps I should review my opinions on cosplay.
mindstalk wrote:...and about 3 million Narutos and Ashkewhatsits, the red cloud people in Naruto.
Aaaaand my opinion of cosplay goes straight back down the crapper.
mindstalk wrote:Both avoid stylized art, i.e. chibi faces and distorted emotions, or giant eyes.
Those cold, soulless eyes... *shudder*
mindstalk wrote:"Classic" opinions around here also include Card Captor Sakura (CLAMP, magical girl, odd pairings),

When FOX started airing that back in the darkages I just pulled out a stopwatch and decided to time how long it takes them to realize what the hell they are broadcasting. They did better than expected, oddly enough.
Imp-Chan wrote:Well, it's not like I go around in pearls and lace and pink or anything...

*stops to think about that*


Do not reject your destiny: You are the Anti-Poe... all that stops the world from sliding into a pit of apathy, mumble-sheathed half shrugs, and your husband degenerating into a formless fungal mass deeply wedged in the couch. Somebody, get this woman a tamborine and a hoola-hoop. Stat!
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Re: Anime that Doesn't Suck

Post by mindstalk »

The Bleach crowd was cool. The Avatar people weren't bad -- surprisingly, no Aang. There were a couple of L/Light pairs -- okay -- and Ryuks -- pretty good. The Narutos, eh. A fair number of Haruhis too, and though I like Haruhi and schoolgirl outfits, something about the solid blue/white uniforms wasn't that great.

Oh, there was a group of girls who went as the guys (+ other Haruhi) from Ouran Host Club. That was well done.

i have no objection to cosplay. But 3 million giant balls of orange wasn't very thrilling.

OTOH, hey, lots of scantily clad girls, too. :)

Sakura was decent fun, but I've seen a comic with someone expounding on CCS as America's gateway to hentai. Nothing explicit, but lots of perverted suggestiveness: 10 yo girl and 10 yo girl, 10 yo girl and boy going for 17 yo boy, 10 yo girl and teacher, 10 yo girl's obsession with filming and re-watching 10 yo girl (and dressing her up)... pretty funny, really.

And I didn't find Sakura's eyes soulless (Something Positive's version of giant eyes is soulless, but that's him.) I do wonder about the giant eyeballs taking up brain volume. Perhaps that's why Tomoyo and Meilin were the smart members of the group. Smaller eyes -> more brain.
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Re: Anime that Doesn't Suck

Post by Imp-Chan »

For the first time in years, I am considering cosplaying again. Lauren, Chelsey and I are considering going to Dragon*Con dressed as loose summery interpretations of the three Godmothers from one of the episodes of Kaleidostar. I am to be Sora, apparently.

Kaleidostar is awesome. It is your standard heedless-pursuit-of-a-dream anime, but with Cirque du Soleil influences that make it inherently superior. Also, I <3 Fool.

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Re: Anime that Doesn't Suck

Post by Labrat »

The forum demands pictures. :ugeek:
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Re: Anime that Doesn't Suck

Post by Imp-Chan »

If we decide to do it, you can come to Dragon*con and see for yourself.

But also, we'll post pictures.

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Re: Anime that Doesn't Suck

Post by Labrat »

Considering that, just by virtue of being Labrat, I would have to one-up everyone attending via some unholy act of jackassery... I'm fairly certain that Homeland Security wants me to stay the hell away. Just thinking about what I would have to do makes my head hurt.
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Re: Anime that Doesn't Suck

Post by Labrat »

I am having a really, really hard time accepting that Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is coming to the American Scifi Channel at the end of this month. The Anti-Evangelion. Home to Mister Pointy-Sunglasses himself. On crappy, bureaucracy-choked Scifi Channel... the pit of a thousand giant snake movies.

It is the condensed essence of awesome coming out of the channel that has made it its mission in life to kill anything remotely awesome. Oh, sweet Pazuzu... how is this going to go over?
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Re: Anime that Doesn't Suck

Post by BloodHenge »

Labrat wrote:It is the condensed essence of awesome coming out of the channel that has made it its mission in life to kill anything remotely awesome.
I thought you said "Sci-Fi Channel", not "FOX".
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Re: Anime that Doesn't Suck

Post by zanntos »

And a large part of why i stick to my fansubs, if i like something i'll buy the American version and then just download the fansub, i have zero problem "illegally" downloading something i own and then watching the fansub instead of the American version.

As for Fox, every new reality series makes me hate so called reality a little more.
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Re: Anime that Doesn't Suck

Post by Labrat »

BloodHenge wrote:
Labrat wrote:It is the condensed essence of awesome coming out of the channel that has made it its mission in life to kill anything remotely awesome.
I thought you said "Sci-Fi Channel", not "FOX".
With FOX, you know right out the starting gate that every greyhound is wired to explode. The shows they kill die so fast that they never feel a thing.

With Scifi, they give you a while to familiarize yourself with a given show and roll it around on your tongue, to truly get a chance to know what you would be missing. And then they put thirteen bullets in your child's head in the middle of its highshool graduation ceremony... just to grind into you that you are the channel's bitch. Its like the bastard child of a pedophile anglerfish and the sarlacc-pit of Tatooine. Lure you in with candy before spending the next 500 years digesting you with a penis up your ass.

Make no mistake, though young and inexperienced at sodomizing your dreams, it is rapidly catching up to its big brother. At least partly because fewer shows and fewer viewers crawl off to FOX to die these days, preferring more dignified elephant graveyards.
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