Return to Port Lorrel

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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Tamina laughed again. "Watch my backside? Why? Something interesting there?" She turned in a circle on the bed to check, considering the Jaime's question as she did.

"Well... umm... saw pubs, saw a tim-ple, ten-pal? Yesterday..." She clicked her tounge. "How... 'bout a meercat?" She made an annoyed noise. "Marrr-kit? Wanna pick some nice things for the killikah, Leli gave me some money to get stuff and...oh!" Her wide eyes widened further as a thought occured to her. "Should really get a wep-pon, my magic made the peoples crazy yesterday, might need to defend myself."
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Sareth »

Jamie grinned at that thought. She turned to watch Tamina's antics on the bed. "Market? Weapon? Now THIS is my kind of shopping trip! I bet our erstwhile boob comp... Stop bouncing on the bed like that... boon companion knows the very place."

The girl meandered over to the window and casually tossed the old diaper out it, not caring what it might land on. She then casually shrugged into a shirt and opened the door to the room.

"Hey, Elk."

The man Elsa had assigned to help out blinked up from where he'd been sleeping in the hallway.


"Right. Didn't I tell you to go sleep some place comfortable last night? There's a nice place with great young boys and girls just down the road."

Moose growled.

"Whatever. Where's a good place to find some good weapons for Tamina?"
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Moose sleepily furrowed his brow at Jaime's question.

"Weapons? For a catgirl?"

"Kobold!" Came a yell from inside the room.

"Right. Kobold." He paused. "Well... there's Viktor's Bullet Emporium on the east side of town, in Lambeth lane, and there's a weapons shop that deals with swords, spears, maces just opposite... Sharpies I think its called."

"Sounds good!" Tamina called. "Gotta get clean and dressed first. No peeking!" She injected a note of severity into this last part that made the eisengoon flush despite his annoyance and tiredness.

"Not getting paid enough for this..." He muttered.
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Sareth »

After dressing and having a decent breakfast, the quartet found themselves moving through the streets heading more or less East. The crowds were fairly thick as they were getting on with their day, and business was brisk. Including illegal business.

"Not today, lad," Moose said to a scrawny, dirty kid. He had the child hoisted into the air by one hand he'd closed his fist on. The kid was dangling and looking quite belligerent, but found himself unable to do much but kick uselessly as Moose removed his money roll from the kids hand. "Don't worry, kid, I won't do anything to you. Just remember I'm not a good mark in the future."

The kid nodded sullenly and ran off the moment Moose let him go.

"Nice of you," Jamie commented as Nera attempted to grab the small assassin's nose.

"We all have to start somewhere," Moose replied with a shrug. "I'm not gonna hold against him what I did when I first set out."
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Lambeth Lane was a low-key trading area tucked apologetically in a corner on the eastern side of town. The background bustle had dropped to a murmur in the last ten minutes the group had walked, with only the occasional curses of the early morning drunks staggering awkwardly between the alleyways. It occured to the kobold as the trio turned into their, decidedly seedy, destination that perhaps Moose had picked the place deliberately in order to draw as little attention as possible. Given the events of the previous day she could hardly blame him, but that didn't stop Tamina from drawing stares from the curious and hagged denizens of the lane. She looked down at her hands.

"Maybe... need some gloves first." She muttered.

Viktor's bullet emporium was easily the biggest shop in the street at twice the width of it's nearest competitor, it was advertised with a huge sign above the entrance with two foot high letters the colour of gunsmoke and the enthuiastic bellows of a tradesman outside to draw in prospective customers. In fact, given it's apparent glitz it looked quite out of place in such a run down area. The kobold stole a glance at Jaime and caught a look of lust in her eyes as they rested on the displays in the oversized shp windows. There were a multitude of rifles, shotgun and revolvers there, punctuated by devices that looked curiously like metal fruit to the kobold. She had no designs on tasting them however.

"Umm... wanna go in the big gun shop?" She asked Jamie, somewhat rhetorically.
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Sareth »

Jamie squirmed in a rather interesting and peculiar way. An interesting sound crept it's way out of her throat before she gave a sharp nod and a long, hissed, "yessssssssssss."

Moose gave the girl a sharp look, then shifted to a sidelong glance towards Tamina. "Did she just..." He shook himself. "You know what? Never mind." He followed Jamie into the shop.
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Viktor's Bullet emporium was everything the window display promised and more. The kobold stood by the entrance, slack-jawed at the racks and racks of weaponry the majority of which she didn't even know the names for. She noted that most of them seemed to be designed around that 'gun' weapon human's liked to use. Her eyes were drawn to the more oversized, exotic looking weapons, one of which resembled Captain Rigby's blunderbuss, another which could reliably be called a cannon in the hands of anything smaller than an industrial sized golem (Tamina saw Jamie's eyes go moist with tears of joy at the sight of that one) The one which caught her attention however, was the overlong device that looked designed to fire harpoons like the ones Rigby had taught her to throw back on The Clark.

"Can I help you with anything madam?"

Tamina wheeled around to see the man standing beside her who could charitably be called a very short man, more honestly a fairly tall midget. It suddenly dawned on the kobold why the owner of the shop seemed fixated on overlarge weaponry. He peered owlishly at her over a set of thick lensed glasses and smiled expectantly.

"Umm... what's that one?"

"A whaling gun."

"What's it do?"

The man's brow furrowed, as though he thought a joke had just been made that he didn't understand.

"Kills whales, what else?"
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Sareth »

Jamie scampered by at that moment, looking delirious with delight. She had festooned herself with weapons, hanging them from everything that had a way to hang them. It seemed almost impossible for her to move, yet she not only was moving, she was frolicking.

Moose was ambling after her at haste, looking concerned. "I really don't think you should be letting the baby play with that pistol."

"Why not? It's not loaded. Yet. OH! Where's the ammo?" Jamie shot off in a new direction.
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Tamina gingerly took the pistol that the baby was currently using to weedle out the wax in her ear and tried to handle the firearm unsuccesfully. Her thick fingers wouldn't fit into the trigger space without compressing it and making it impossible to fire properly. The kobold cursed internally at the speciesism (OOC is that even a word?/OOC) and general lack of consideration the humans had for their minority customers.

OOC I'll post up something longer tomorrow/OOC
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Graybeard »

[OOC: A bit long, and nothing immediately actionable for Jamie, Tamina or Jasmine, but setting up some future action:]

Meanwhile, small conferences were being held at both the Eisenfaust headquarters and the Tsuirakuan consulate.

"Mmlrgh ... I want to die ..." Elke groaned; today's bout of morning sickness had been a bad one.

"It can be arranged," Annabelle said brightly.

Elke eyed her top underling, giving serious consideration to killing her on the spot, just on principle. No, that wouldn't do. Besides, Annabelle was still young enough that she was likely to get pregnant some day, and then the shoe would be on the other foot. Back to business. "How is Moose doing?"

The younger woman snickered. "Nothing he can't handle. Where did you find that girl, anyway? She seems like chaos incarnate."

If you only knew, Elke thought, but then I really would have to kill you. She exhaled deeply, finding that it helped a little with the nausea. "Well, that's good to hear," she said, dodging Annabelle's question. "Maybe we can pull some of the backup off surveillance for a while. Word is that some Tsuirakuan big shot just landed, he's holed up at their embassy now. I'd like to know what he's up to. No contact, we don't screw around with those people, but he's supposed to be their ace political troubleshooter and hit man. I'd like to know exactly what trouble he's planning to shoot."

Annabelle nodded. "I'll set something up." The women moved on to other subjects.


Meanwhile, Kitaura was conferring with a rather intimidated underling at the consulate (not an embassy, but Elke couldn't be blamed for not knowing the difference).

"We have received word that certain undesirable elements have landed in Lorrel," he said. They both knew what that was Tsuirakuan code for: revolutionaries. He snapped his fingers, and an image floated in midair. It was indistinct, partly because of distance and partly because of magical interference, but the man in the image was recognizable as one of the men who'd traveled south on the airship with Jasmine.

"Shall I arrange to have him dealt with, sir?" the underling asked.

The image disappeared for the moment. "No," Kitaura answered blandly. "Please permit me to do my job." The other man paled as he continued, "However, in doing so, it would be most helpful if surveillance could be arranged on three people. Leave the observation of the undesirable to me. He is too magically powerful for the resources of a diplomatic unit, and an open conflict would be ... unfortunate." The other man grew more pale still, but Kitaura didn't seem to notice. "Rather, your resources would be useful in observing three barbarians who may be of interest."

He snapped his fingers again, and Elke's image appeared in midair. "This is the local head of one of the barbarian criminal guilds. She is well connected in Lorrel, and we have reason to suspect that the undesirable may attempt to make contact with her." Another snap, and Elke's image disappeared, to be replaced by one of Jasmine. "This woman flew south with him. We know nothing of her relationship with the undesirable's organization; perhaps there is none at all. However, she has a tendency to appear in -- unusual circumstances. We wish to understand her role more clearly. And the third target of surveillance, remarkably, is her daughter." Another snap, and Jamie (and Nera) floated in midair. "This one is ... challenging. She may also be the solution to our problem. She has no known connection to the undesirable organization, but people coming in close contact with this young woman have a most curious tendency to die violently. I assume you can see the relevance of that tendency to our problem with the undesirable?"

The other man nodded wordlessly; he was getting the picture, all right. The Captain wishes to recruit this young girl for a hit...

Because old is wise, does good, and above all, kicks ass.