Return to Port Lorrel

As we play, occasionally we'll close a thread and open a new one to keep the size of threads (and relative complexity) down to a dull roar. Here's where we store the closed posts from the history of Errant Road.
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Sareth »

Jamie walked over and grabbed the purse out of the air as though it was an every day thing. "Not a problem. Quiet, and don't get the official Reps involved. I can do that. Just one last question. What's the guy's name. It might make it easier to find him."

Just then Jasmine walked around the corner, behind Jamie. She strolled over to Tamina and ruffled the kobold's ears with a wink and a shushing motion.

[OOC]I'm good for a new thread.[/OOC]
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Alberich »

[OOC: Me too. You've seen Udo and Winslow and you want to see more Tsuirakuans...? Hokay. And, yes, Sareth's quite right, everyone wants to molest Tamina, and they'll spike her milk with catnip and her catnip with quaaludes and her quaaludes with Spanish Fly if that's what it takes. They told me so.]
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Jack Rothwell »

OOC New thread is good. But there will be no kobold orgies! Alec Fredriel was the go-to character for that sort of thing and he's dead...... and no necro-kobold orgies either!/OOC

Tamina whirled around through the swirling mist, (now dissipating in a manner that reminded her of the play in Port Lorrel that Jaime and her had half-seen), recognized Jasmine, and beamed a shocked and toothy smile at her. The kobold liked 'Jay-me's mum' but a memory of the older woman and her Tribal Elder stole to the front of her mind of the pair of them talking about taking Jaime away from her.

And Tamina certainly didn't want that.

On the other hand, maybe Jasmine would see reason and let Jaime go her own way. A humanoid could always hope, couldn't she?
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Graybeard »

"Just one last question. What's the guy's name. It might make it easier to find him."

The well-dressed man pondered for a moment before answering. Even in Lorrel, things could go very badly indeed if the Oshima name was used in certain quarters. Furthermore, this barbarian couldn't be counted on to grasp the subtleties connected to that name. On the other hand, the request wasn't unreasonable ...

"Jun," he finally answered. "It is short for Junichi -- how you say it, a nicked name? His family name would not be helpful to you."

In fact, it would probably get you dead -- and maybe me too -- so let's not push so hard that I have to do a mind wipe. He smiled politely, hoping that that would be enough.

[OOC: OK, new thread coming in the morning, in which the name "Jun Oshima" will figure ... but of course Jamie wouldn't know that. ;) ]

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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Graybeard »

OOC: OK, new thread up and ready. As I said there, don't be fooled by the title. There can, and will, be stuff to do in it having nothing to do with Jamie's mark. Patience ...

Incidentally, if anyone wants to join this merry band, this would be a very good time to do it.

Because old is wise, does good, and above all, kicks ass.