New pass-along story

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Jack Rothwell
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New pass-along story

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Hey Errant Roadies, just posting this up to let everyone know I finally, finally got up the opening post to the new pass-along story I was working on. Took me three bloody weeks to write it :roll: . It's in the fan-fic forum seeing as it has nothing to do with errant road. Link's here.

It's a post-apocalyptic type world with some futuristic/sci-fi elements in it in a nutshell. In a few posts or so I should've (hopefully) painted a clear enough picture so people can hop in if they wish. I'll post up more details about the setting and the stuff in it in this thread at a later date.
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Re: New pass-along story

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Thread's ready for people to drop in now. If anyone wants more details before I get around to writing them just pm me, or drop a reply in here asking me to hurry the fuck up... or, you know, to discuss the story so far. Whichever you prefer. :D
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Jack Rothwell
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Re: New pass-along story

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Ok, behind schedule again between work and Christmas shopping. Can't be helped I suppose. Here's the details I promised a week ago :roll: .

Rallahiem, as I mentioned, is a sci-fi type world with a lot of post-apocalyptic aspects thrown in. No-one is really sure about the origins of the world, but there are a lot of old ruins and roads scattered about that hint of an older, more prosperous civilisation that came crashing down a long time ago.

This story is set in the central band of land that runs almost the length of the world, specifically in an area called Marvis county, a place populated by several small settlements (like Euden's Rook, where the action currently is) and a few larger ones along which some fractured trade routes still exist. For the most part humans salvage old wrecks and towns, farm the infertile earth or hunt to get by. Some of the more adventurous individuals lead more nomadic lives, prospectors, bounty hunters or travelling traders being the most common jobs. The nature of civilisation can vary dramatically from one county to the next but Marvis is fairly typical for a central band area.

I'll add in descriptions for the non-humans races later. :)
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Re: New pass-along story

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Here are the descriptions for the non-human races:

D'Vari- Large, brutish and unfriendly to humans, often to the point of violence. The D'Vari exist in wandering tribes found all over Rallahiem. A typical member of the species stands at six and a half feet, possessing a flat nose, narrow, cat-like eyes and elongated ears that point up like antenna. Their bodies are lithe and muscular, wrapped in brownish, leathery skin and little else besides the hides of their kills. The D'Vari have a minimalist society; personal possessions are few and far between in a typical tribe, hardly surprising, given the nature of the creatures.

The humanoids greatest strength is undoubtedly their adaptability. D'Vari have evolved to he able to change the function of their bodies to fit the roles they're assigned in their tribes. Those assigned as workers develop broad backs for carrying, long tapered fingers for fine manipulation, warriors develop razor sharp claws, fangs and paralyzing toxins for the easy transportation of fresh prey. A select few take more specialised roles within their groups, although beyond the greater intelligence of those assigned to lead, human knowledge falls short on the nature of these mutations and gives way to wild speculation.

Krillian's coming later...
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Re: New pass-along story

Post by Graybeard »

Thanks for sharing. I'll try to have some fun with this, after the seasonal uproar dies down.

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Re: New pass-along story

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Krillians- The most technologically advanced species on Rallahiem is also the most elusive. These humanoids are typically found patrolling the wastes in small groups or alone, or holed up in their hard-to-find bunkers built an age ago. Such habitats are highly sought after by prospectors, humans who seek to use them as safehouses in hostile territory, or salvage goldmines or they're lucky enough to find one unoccupied.

Krillians are diminutive, typically standing between four and five feet, although they tend to be as stocky as humans are. Their features are typically bigger than their taller neighbours, framed by plants of long hair either yellow, red or somewhere in between. Such features are usually concealed by self-contained enviro-suits made of hundreds of thin, flexible plates and bedecked with an array of sensors in the helmet that feed them information on their excursions across the lands. They typically carry advanced, energy-based weaponry, guns and grenades which are universally feared by the other inhabitants of Rallahiem. Their relationship with humans is best described as neutral-hostile. A select few of the Krillians however, deign to trade or even take residence in human settlements on occasion.
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