2013-02-09: Poe is in the hospital.

Share the love (well, ok, not literally, that might get messy) for Poe's first big outing into the webcomic world.
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Holographic Jet Li
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2013-02-09: Poe is in the hospital.

Post by Holographic Jet Li »

Discussion thread for Poe is in the hospital.
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The Heretical Admin
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Re: 2013-02-09: Poe is in the hospital.

Post by Graybeard »

As in the comparable Errant Story thread, I'm taking the liberty of copying something here that Impy posted on the EN page. If you didn't see it there, please read it here; it's important.
Imp-Chan wrote:Now, back to the part about no insurance. I know that the first instinct any time this kind of terrible bad luck hits someone is to try to donate to help them with their medical bills. The thought is appreciated, but please… DO NOT GIVE US DONATIONS. Donations are very unlikely to cover the bill, but they are guaranteed to make Michael ineligible for the existing financial aid options. Instead, if you really want to pitch in, please go to either our Etsy shop or our online store and buy the original Errant Story comic pages. Those purchases will put money into the business, and won’t affect Michael’s eligibility for financial aid. No matter how this turns out in the long run, they’re beautiful pieces and a good investment for you, and the money going into the business will give us options to figure out what on earth we’re going to do when this is over. So that’s the best way to help. Well, unless you’re a comic artist. Then you could maybe give us fan art or fan comics to run on the site for a while. Either Does Not Play Well With Others or Errant Story fan comics would be awesome, and hell, if you’ve got pent up Exploitation Now fandom bubbling away inside you, we’ll gladly run with that, too.

Because old is wise, does good, and above all, kicks ass.
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