Site Move

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Almighty Systems Admin
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Site Move

Post by kaitou »

Since the hamster running the current server is not quite handling the load, we've decided to move to a bigger server with a larger, faster hamster, possibly a gerbil [the key difference between the two being that a gerbil has more dark meat]. The move will occur over the next few weeks ["Being vague means never having to say you're wrong."].

We are moving the entire site, all three comics, the forums, the wikis, the store and Caffeine Angel Studios. The store, wikis and forums will be locked during the final stages.

We apologize in advance for any inconveniences.

An announcement will be posted here after the move is done.
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Almighty Systems Admin
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Re: Site Move

Post by kaitou »

If you can read this, you are on the new site.
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