My girlfriend writes:
The survey may be found here:You are invited to participate in my survey, for my thesis on stereotype content and its implications for cognitive and neural processes involved in moral decision making. I need at least 200 participants and could really use your help, if you need a procrastination device or thesis karma ^^ The study may help enhance our understanding of stereotype formation and the relationships between social perceptions of stereotyped groups. Specifically, we hope that the results can be used to inform a larger project on the processes and neural correlates of social decisions about stereotyped groups.
"The survey consists of 51 questions, which ask you to indicate how groups are perceived in American society, two questions about your perceptions of these groups, and 18 demographics questions. Demographics questions ask about your age, education and relationship with the groups you were asked to rate. You will be asked take the survey in a single session, without simultaneous activities (if you have IM, we will ask you to turn it off it off or set your status to busy.) It should take you no more than 20-35 minutes (people have been talking longer, so it is more likely to be 35 minutes).