Philosophical Archetype Quiz

Because it only took Viking-Sensei three years (and the approaching end of Errant Story) to come up with a better name for "General Discussions"
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Philosophical Archetype Quiz

Post by Forrest »

So I recently created a short (eight question) and so far remarkably accurate little online quiz to categorize people as one of four philosophical archetypes, three of them corresponding to the Medieval, Modern, and Postmodern periods of philosophical history, and a fourth being sort of oddball, perhaps Post-Post-Modern or Re-Modern or whatever weird term kids these days are using in their continental philosophy departments. Viking-Sensei suggested I should post about it here.

The questions cover a broad range of philosophical topics: religion, politics, epistemology, theories of justice, metaphysics, metaethics, philosophy of mind, and free will / determinism. One question per subject, each question tracking two boolean variables, thus four possible answers per question.

In the results I also take a guess at your academic and career interests based on your philosophical position, and so far it's been surprisingly accurate. I guess my stereotypes have a pretty solid foundations.

So go forth, click, and take the Philosophical Archetype Quiz.
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Re: Philosophical Archetype Quiz

Post by Viking-Sensei »

I am apparently a firm Modernist.
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Re: Philosophical Archetype Quiz

Post by Vavrek »

Eclectic/Modernist, here. Says "Subjectivity = 50%, Objectivity = 62%" on the page too.

You're right, that thing is surprisingly accurate. The description I was given matches up very well with my own thoughts.
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Re: Philosophical Archetype Quiz

Post by Graybeard »

Medievalist, but I prefer to think of it as "post-Postmodernist." :-) I found myself wanting to answer "None of the above" on most of the questions.

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Re: Philosophical Archetype Quiz

Post by Imp-Chan »

I scored Eclectic/Postmodern, with Subjectivity = 62% and Objectivity = 50%

I wound up not answering almost all of the questions, but not because my answer was "I Don't Know." I just didn't see anything that ever aligned sufficiently with the answer I did have. I've always found it difficult to communicate my philosophical views... either I think so far out of the box that the people inside or near the box can't even see me, or I get caught in Philosophy's vastly entertaining but ultimately futile circles and no one else ever really enjoys dancing with me.

And, btw, I did major in Art History, so the long description got at least that much right.

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Re: Philosophical Archetype Quiz

Post by Viking-Sensei »

Imp-Chan wrote:...either I think so far out of the box that the people inside or near the box can't even see me, or I get caught in Philosophy's vastly entertaining but ultimately futile circles and no one else ever really enjoys dancing with me.
I don't know about the postmodern component, however I don't think it's possible to give a more Eclectic answer without attempting to answer "Fish" to all of them.
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Re: Philosophical Archetype Quiz

Post by mindstalk »

Modernist, or Modernist/Eclectic, depending on answer choices. And yeah, diverse interests but sci/tech jobs.
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Re: Philosophical Archetype Quiz

Post by Viking-Sensei »

The only problem I had with my Modernist description was what religious allignment it suggested for me. Then again, my religion is sort of wacky, so it may be a little hard for it to be pinned down.
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Re: Philosophical Archetype Quiz

Post by Weirdonian »

Eclectic, Subjectivity = 81%, Objectivity = 93%

"You are an eclectic who is not quite at home in any historical period of philosophy." That sounds about right. :mrgreen:
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Re: Philosophical Archetype Quiz

Post by zanntos »

Should have skipped some questions but leaving blanks bugs me.
Subjective 0%, Objective 37%... how's it going Medievalist, low marks in both field. Yay for belief in God combined with the mentality that peoples default behavior is prone to stupidity, and society is made of ALOT of people.
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