EN Art... Sorta

This board is image enabled, so here's the place to share your purdy pictures. Art, pictures, and the revived 'That Color Thread' all live here.
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EN Art... Sorta

Post by Viking-Sensei »

I was playing around with a couple of new styles for my own comic and I made something very neat I thought I'd share with you all. It's relevant because Ralph is, in addition to being the one true star of EN, also a backup member of my cast... and his presence lets me occasionally make bad puns like this.

How could a plan this awesome possibly fail?
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Jack Rothwell
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Re: EN Art... Sorta

Post by Jack Rothwell »

For some reason when i look at that picture i find myself thinking of a Kevin Smith film poster. Like to see the comic when it's up. Solid, eye-catching work man.
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Re: EN Art... Sorta

Post by Viking-Sensei »

It does sorta have a Clerks-y feel to it, doesn't it?

As for the comic... it may be some time til I get around to the story I'm working on this art style for, but Ralph has popped up a few times already, as has Bimbo (though not as much... yet).
How could a plan this awesome possibly fail?
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