This is very blurry, but it is nonetheless a picture of me:

This is my box fort.

Yes, I really did go in and blur out every address label by hand. I take customer privacy quite seriously.
And this is my undaunted efforts at salesmanship resulting in pitching ES to a wookie. Note that he is much, MUCH bigger than I am, and infinitely cooler, and that all the various potential new fans in the dealer's room followed him when he walked past our table, so I was entirely justified in asking him to stop for the picture:

This is the nice man who brought me a cold coffee-type beverage at Dragon*Con 2007. I believe his name was Jeremy, but don't quote me on that. Also, Travis accused me of having happy grateful anime eyes for like an hour after this man rescued me from my caffeine withdrawal.

This is another very nice man, who also happens to be a big fan. I'll leave it up to him whether or not to identify himself, but I just love the pose:

He brought us these to sign. They are homemade copies of Exploitation Now, complete with every sketch and filler, that he made before the first compilation book came out. They are terrible awesome.

This is my close encounter with one Ralph Givememore, taken at Anime Central 2007:

This is Poe's close encounter with a certain tentacled... person.

These are two diehard Exploitation Now fangirls, who insisted on giving us close tentacle encounters of a different sort altogether at Otakon 2007. They were like, fourteen, by the way.

Technically, one of these guys might also count as a tentacle monster. This was taken before I knew who the Doctor was. I especially like how the blowup Dalek appears to be reading Errant Story Volume One. I think Ian and the Daleks might just get along by now...

Speaking of the Doctor, my little sister got a marvelous Christmas present from one of her friends this year, and I promised her that I'd post a picture of her with it. Here she is:

Yes, that IS a tenth doctor cross stitch. It's really creepy how his eyes follow you around the room. Really, REALLY creepy!
As it is totally my duty to embarrass my baby sister most terribly, here is a picture of her in her halloween costume (she dressed as Arachne so that she wouldn't have to put down her knitting all night). In his role as a, well, Viking, Viking-Sensei felt it was his duty to abduct one of our women.

And lastly, here is another picture of our favorite resident viking:

So, now I've shared photos, and you all know what I look like. Let's have the photo sharing of what you all look like, too!