Anyway, f'zooom! You change places with Mal Reynolds, right in the middle of one of his death-defying adventures. Mind you, you just get his place and position. You don't get his amazing skills, supreme endurance, or divine luck. When you try defying death, death decides to try defying you right back.
Granted. It now revolves entirely around the guards standing outside the building Meji tried to sneak into. Their favourite toics of conversation are paint-drying times, tea flavours and minerals.
Granted. You now know everything that is happening, as it is happening, but you have no filters for it, and cannot process so much data at once. You have cosmic ADHD.
I wish I had a cure for my pain.
Because scary little devil girls have to stick together.
Wish granted! Anything that currently brings you pain will now bring you pleasure, instead. But, as a side-effect, anything that is supposed to bring you pleasure will instead bring you pain.
I wish that Poe would make a sequel to Errant Story!
Gack. How can ANY sane person want to corrupt that one? Well, I'm probably half insane, so:
Granted! For the first six installments, Poe creates half a dozen likeable and interesting characters to go along with the survivors from Errant Story ... but then, on the seventh day, a giant asteroid strikes the Errant World, incinerating all life therein.
I wish we had a Congress that was free of Boebert-like blithering idiots.
Because old is wise, does good, and above all, kicks ass.
Granted! Anyone like Boebert has been wiped from congress. In fact, all of congress and the rest of the US government have been completely wiped out by a magical attack from Meji, who has instated herself as the new President, with Ellis serving as Vice President.
EDIT: Actually, forget the Vice President position. Meji would figure out a way to instate Ellis as the new Pope, instead.
I wish that my new computer fans weren't so loud! They're like a row of freakin' jet engines!