Background noise
- Drusia
- Veteran of the Errant War
- Posts: 1293
- Joined: September 7th, 2009, 9:53 pm
Re: Background noise
"No, that won't be necessary," he said stiffly. "I'd better handle this one myself. She ... won't be at the platform anyway, with that damned warping magic of hers." He chuckled humorlessly; Cimmerii laughter rarely had any humor in it. "By Anilis' tits, that would be her style, though. Besides, it's been a long time... No, I'll meet her outside, and if she forgets and shows up here instead, drag her kicking and screaming out to where she's damn well supposed to be." He got up and headed for the entrance.
I arrive at the platform, having used it as my landing mark. It's been a tiring few jumps... but the walk is worse, so I focus and skip through the ruins. And appear in front of a Cimmerii guard. Or... not a guard.
"You're the welcoming comittee?" I ask, smiling without my eyes. Ugh, I hate Cimmerii.
-- Drusia
I arrive at the platform, having used it as my landing mark. It's been a tiring few jumps... but the walk is worse, so I focus and skip through the ruins. And appear in front of a Cimmerii guard. Or... not a guard.
"You're the welcoming comittee?" I ask, smiling without my eyes. Ugh, I hate Cimmerii.
-- Drusia
- Graybeard
- The Heretical Admin
- Posts: 7185
- Joined: August 20th, 2007, 8:26 am
- Location: Nuevo Mexico y Colorado, Estados Unidos
Re: Background noise
"You're the welcoming comittee?"
Commander Numilo didn't have much of a sense of humor, of course.
"I am here to receive your report, Peregin," he said stiffly. "Please give it."
[OOC: Not much, but just back from a trip, and the ball is really in Dru's court anyway.]
Commander Numilo didn't have much of a sense of humor, of course.
"I am here to receive your report, Peregin," he said stiffly. "Please give it."
[OOC: Not much, but just back from a trip, and the ball is really in Dru's court anyway.]

Because old is wise, does good, and above all, kicks ass.
- Graybeard
- The Heretical Admin
- Posts: 7185
- Joined: August 20th, 2007, 8:26 am
- Location: Nuevo Mexico y Colorado, Estados Unidos
Re: Background noise
[OOC: One bit of tidying up of things on the coast of Tsuiraku, going on more or less synchronously with both Drusia's return to Praenubilus Astu and the search for Therese and Mordan ... and Drannin, we really need to talk about Bauti and Goto.]
"There's been a glitch," Elke told her husband as he returned to the boat rolling the garment bag containing Arsoro Kurou (or so she hoped).
"No shit," Mr. Stagpoole growled back. The taking of Kurou hadn't gone well. Apparently the man was born suspicious, either that or something had happened recently to set him on edge. Whatever the cause, when the two hired thugs from the village had moved in to cold-cock him, he'd reacted with fearsome magic. One of the men would require extensive thaumatic surgery and burn treatments. The other would require nothing more than a coffin. Mr. Stagpoole himself, watching from an out-of-the-way corner, had had to use a magical capability he really didn't like to acknowledge that he had, to get the man pacified. It was going to take more magic to get him put back together well enough to do they needed of him, but there'd be time for that. Something would also have to be done to deal with the barmaid who'd seen it all happen, but that too could wait. Mr. Stagpoole wasn't sure yet whether to kill her or buy her off; he had a preference for killing only when necessary, but dead girls told no tales. "So what happened here?" he asked when the memories of the kidnapping receded.
"I'm not sure," Elke answered. "News from the boss. The people bringing in the Beast of the East have disappeared into the underground and gone quiet."
Mr. Stagpoole snorted. "I thought that was a bad idea from the beginning. The troll probably ate them."
Elke playfully swatted her husband, an act that only she in the world could have survived doing. "Trolls don't eat people, silly. That's just a kid's fairy tale." She rubbed her belly, wondering if it was expanding enough yet to be noticed by anyone but herself, and then got serious. "They think it's a problem in the underground. They had problems with the guy from the South too, things not going where they were supposed to. He still hasn't made it to the base yet -- what's wrong?"
Mr. Stagpoole's normally neutral, almost bland face had developed a frown. "And of course, it's completely coincidental that all these things start happening just as we're about ready. I don't like this. Somebody had better investigate this underground business before we get a nasty surprise." The conversation turned to other subjects, notably securing the damaged and bound, but still very dangerous, Arsoro Kurou.
"There's been a glitch," Elke told her husband as he returned to the boat rolling the garment bag containing Arsoro Kurou (or so she hoped).
"No shit," Mr. Stagpoole growled back. The taking of Kurou hadn't gone well. Apparently the man was born suspicious, either that or something had happened recently to set him on edge. Whatever the cause, when the two hired thugs from the village had moved in to cold-cock him, he'd reacted with fearsome magic. One of the men would require extensive thaumatic surgery and burn treatments. The other would require nothing more than a coffin. Mr. Stagpoole himself, watching from an out-of-the-way corner, had had to use a magical capability he really didn't like to acknowledge that he had, to get the man pacified. It was going to take more magic to get him put back together well enough to do they needed of him, but there'd be time for that. Something would also have to be done to deal with the barmaid who'd seen it all happen, but that too could wait. Mr. Stagpoole wasn't sure yet whether to kill her or buy her off; he had a preference for killing only when necessary, but dead girls told no tales. "So what happened here?" he asked when the memories of the kidnapping receded.
"I'm not sure," Elke answered. "News from the boss. The people bringing in the Beast of the East have disappeared into the underground and gone quiet."
Mr. Stagpoole snorted. "I thought that was a bad idea from the beginning. The troll probably ate them."
Elke playfully swatted her husband, an act that only she in the world could have survived doing. "Trolls don't eat people, silly. That's just a kid's fairy tale." She rubbed her belly, wondering if it was expanding enough yet to be noticed by anyone but herself, and then got serious. "They think it's a problem in the underground. They had problems with the guy from the South too, things not going where they were supposed to. He still hasn't made it to the base yet -- what's wrong?"
Mr. Stagpoole's normally neutral, almost bland face had developed a frown. "And of course, it's completely coincidental that all these things start happening just as we're about ready. I don't like this. Somebody had better investigate this underground business before we get a nasty surprise." The conversation turned to other subjects, notably securing the damaged and bound, but still very dangerous, Arsoro Kurou.

Because old is wise, does good, and above all, kicks ass.
- Drusia
- Veteran of the Errant War
- Posts: 1293
- Joined: September 7th, 2009, 9:53 pm
Re: Background noise
"I am here to receive your report, Peregin," he said stiffly. "Please give it."
I just love visiting this shithole. Everyone is just so damn nice and relaxed.
"I've stumbled across evidence of a cult of Exatalis*," I tell him. "Run by humans, possiblily Veracians. Now, unless you happen to be the person to talk to about military strike forces, I believe I need an escort inside."
Maybe that will wipe the snide off his face.
-- Drusia
OOC: I couldn't remember the exact spelling of Exatalis, so I took a shot.
I just love visiting this shithole. Everyone is just so damn nice and relaxed.
"I've stumbled across evidence of a cult of Exatalis*," I tell him. "Run by humans, possiblily Veracians. Now, unless you happen to be the person to talk to about military strike forces, I believe I need an escort inside."
Maybe that will wipe the snide off his face.
-- Drusia
OOC: I couldn't remember the exact spelling of Exatalis, so I took a shot.
- Graybeard
- The Heretical Admin
- Posts: 7185
- Joined: August 20th, 2007, 8:26 am
- Location: Nuevo Mexico y Colorado, Estados Unidos
Re: Background noise
Commander Numilo rolled his eyes at the mention of Exitialis. "So those people and their divine fireworks have been getting back into their library again? I thought we had planted enough disinformation and misinformation there to keep them running in circles for at least another century or two. But yes, High Commander Yenhael and Councilor Skena will probably want to hear your report. It'll have to wait for this evening, though; they're otherwise occupied at the moment." His exact choice of words for "otherwise occupied" in the elven language left it ambiguous as to whether they were attending to affairs of state, or having a kinky sexual romp somewhere beyond the confines of the city, but implied the latter, which was also consistent with the look on his face. "In the mean time, I will conduct you to the chambers and you can at least brief me fully." He gestured, and the gates to the city opened in a blur of magic.
[OOC: I'd say just wing it on what Dru knows; assume that Rose told her as much as you want to be able to pass on, and no more.]
[OOC: I'd say just wing it on what Dru knows; assume that Rose told her as much as you want to be able to pass on, and no more.]

Because old is wise, does good, and above all, kicks ass.
- Drusia
- Veteran of the Errant War
- Posts: 1293
- Joined: September 7th, 2009, 9:53 pm
Re: Background noise
Commander Numilo rolled his eyes at the mention of Exitialis. "So those people and their divine fireworks have been getting back into their library again? I thought we had planted enough disinformation and misinformation there to keep them running in circles for at least another century or two. But yes, High Commander Yenhael and Councilor Skena will probably want to hear your report. It'll have to wait for this evening, though; they're otherwise occupied at the moment. In the mean time, I will conduct you to the chambers and you can at least brief me fully." He gestured, and the gates to the city opened in a blur of magic.
Oh joy. More time with this guy. Ugh.
I follow him dejectedly into the city. It's so damn... clastrophobic in here. Cities shouldn't have ceilings. Cities shouldn't smell musty, like old dirty laundry. You shouldn't have to worry about the "sky" falling on you if there's an earthquake.
At least the artwork isn't bad. I bow my head slightly as the statue of Anilis comes into view.
"You know," I say to him, "It might be easier if we just wait for High Commander Yenhael and Councilor Skena. It would save me having to go through all this more than once."
Hey, a girl can hope, right?
-- Drusia
Oh joy. More time with this guy. Ugh.
I follow him dejectedly into the city. It's so damn... clastrophobic in here. Cities shouldn't have ceilings. Cities shouldn't smell musty, like old dirty laundry. You shouldn't have to worry about the "sky" falling on you if there's an earthquake.
At least the artwork isn't bad. I bow my head slightly as the statue of Anilis comes into view.
"You know," I say to him, "It might be easier if we just wait for High Commander Yenhael and Councilor Skena. It would save me having to go through all this more than once."
Hey, a girl can hope, right?
-- Drusia
- Graybeard
- The Heretical Admin
- Posts: 7185
- Joined: August 20th, 2007, 8:26 am
- Location: Nuevo Mexico y Colorado, Estados Unidos
Re: Background noise
"Very well," Commander Numilo answered. "I will make arrangements. Meanwhile, perhaps you can use the flat of your -- friend Sarine to get freshened up." He wrinkled his nose. "She's out in the field, and you smell like you have been around humans too long."
And, of course, we'll be able to keep an eye on you there ... just in case.
And, of course, we'll be able to keep an eye on you there ... just in case.

Because old is wise, does good, and above all, kicks ass.
- Drusia
- Veteran of the Errant War
- Posts: 1293
- Joined: September 7th, 2009, 9:53 pm
Re: Background noise
"Very well," Commander Numilo answered. "I will make arrangements. Meanwhile, perhaps you can use the flat of your -- friend Sarine to get freshened up." He wrinkled his nose. "She's out in the field, and you smell like you have been around humans too long."
"That is where one tends to find Errants," I remind him pointedly. Ah well. It speaks to how rarely I visit this awful hole that I don't even have official quarters here anymore. Fine - I'm sure Sar won't begrudge me.
Also... did he just imply that Sar and I have a sexual relationship? Huh. Now that's an interesting rumor. And unfounded, unfortunately. Although... it's not a bad fiction to maintain.
I head to Sarine's flat and take a nice long bath. I'll have to get my armor cleaned while I'm here. Once I'm clean and dried, I open my pack and consider my cives. After a sniff, I set them aside and raid Sarine's wardrobe instead. I find the raciest dress she owns and put it on, along with a healthy spray of her favorite perfume - or what used to be her favorite, anyway. We didn't have time to talk cosmetics in Goriel.
There. I'm wearing her clothes and I smell like her. If that doesn't start rumors... then I'm no good at starting rumors.
Now... to find someone to give my armor and clothing a good wash....
-- Drusia
OOC: I assume she can get her stuff washed by someone before her summons?
"That is where one tends to find Errants," I remind him pointedly. Ah well. It speaks to how rarely I visit this awful hole that I don't even have official quarters here anymore. Fine - I'm sure Sar won't begrudge me.
Also... did he just imply that Sar and I have a sexual relationship? Huh. Now that's an interesting rumor. And unfounded, unfortunately. Although... it's not a bad fiction to maintain.
I head to Sarine's flat and take a nice long bath. I'll have to get my armor cleaned while I'm here. Once I'm clean and dried, I open my pack and consider my cives. After a sniff, I set them aside and raid Sarine's wardrobe instead. I find the raciest dress she owns and put it on, along with a healthy spray of her favorite perfume - or what used to be her favorite, anyway. We didn't have time to talk cosmetics in Goriel.
There. I'm wearing her clothes and I smell like her. If that doesn't start rumors... then I'm no good at starting rumors.
Now... to find someone to give my armor and clothing a good wash....
-- Drusia
OOC: I assume she can get her stuff washed by someone before her summons?
- Graybeard
- The Heretical Admin
- Posts: 7185
- Joined: August 20th, 2007, 8:26 am
- Location: Nuevo Mexico y Colorado, Estados Unidos
Re: Background noise
[OOC: By and large, we probably do well to avoid appearances by canon characters here except as cameos. References are obviously OK, we've had lots of those and will have more, but extended appearances may create clashes with canon if we're not careful. Hence the following, which however is also entirely in character for the two pompous asses who are being stood in for... And no problem getting the armor, etc., cleaned up, D.]
Three other elves were already present in the small conference room when Drusia arrived, refreshed, regenerated and perfumed: Commander Numilo, a clerk/scribe who immediately faded into the background [OOC: Does it strike anybody else as weird that a culture as magically adept as the elves would want scribes present when business was discussed? Yet it's so. /OOC:], and a grumpy-looking man whose features suggested a mixture of Keiren and Sanguen blood. Numilo's neutral, unwelcoming face developed a smirk as the borrowed perfume wafted over him, but it passed quickly.
"High Commander Yenhael sends his regrets," he announced with his usual complete lack of empathy, "and authorizes me to speak for him and receive your report. Councilor Skena is also still unavailable and has deputized Delegate Botris to speak and listen on her behalf." He indicated the grumpy elf. "He has the councilor's complete trust in this matter."
This little speech concealed several implied but well-understood messages. The main one was that "Delegate" title, which identified Botris as the council representative of a decidedly minor house. It was unthinkable that Skena would let a minor house's representative stand in for her on a matter of any importance, Numilo's words notwithstanding, a fact that was known to all four of those in attendance, including Botris himself.
"Before we begin," Numilo continued, "High Commander Yenhael has asked me to inquire of you whether you know what has become of Peregin Bauti. Her last report said that she had killed an Errant in southern Veracia, not long after encountering you." The elven word he used for "encountering" was also loaded with condescending overtones. "She has been strangely silent ever since. Perhaps you could enlighten us on your exchange with her, and what you know of her plans and intentions after dealing with the Errant."
Three other elves were already present in the small conference room when Drusia arrived, refreshed, regenerated and perfumed: Commander Numilo, a clerk/scribe who immediately faded into the background [OOC: Does it strike anybody else as weird that a culture as magically adept as the elves would want scribes present when business was discussed? Yet it's so. /OOC:], and a grumpy-looking man whose features suggested a mixture of Keiren and Sanguen blood. Numilo's neutral, unwelcoming face developed a smirk as the borrowed perfume wafted over him, but it passed quickly.
"High Commander Yenhael sends his regrets," he announced with his usual complete lack of empathy, "and authorizes me to speak for him and receive your report. Councilor Skena is also still unavailable and has deputized Delegate Botris to speak and listen on her behalf." He indicated the grumpy elf. "He has the councilor's complete trust in this matter."
This little speech concealed several implied but well-understood messages. The main one was that "Delegate" title, which identified Botris as the council representative of a decidedly minor house. It was unthinkable that Skena would let a minor house's representative stand in for her on a matter of any importance, Numilo's words notwithstanding, a fact that was known to all four of those in attendance, including Botris himself.
"Before we begin," Numilo continued, "High Commander Yenhael has asked me to inquire of you whether you know what has become of Peregin Bauti. Her last report said that she had killed an Errant in southern Veracia, not long after encountering you." The elven word he used for "encountering" was also loaded with condescending overtones. "She has been strangely silent ever since. Perhaps you could enlighten us on your exchange with her, and what you know of her plans and intentions after dealing with the Errant."

Because old is wise, does good, and above all, kicks ass.
- Drusia
- Veteran of the Errant War
- Posts: 1293
- Joined: September 7th, 2009, 9:53 pm
Re: Background noise
"Before we begin," Numilo continued, "High Commander Yenhael has asked me to inquire of you whether you know what has become of Peregin Bauti. Her last report said that she had killed an Errant in southern Veracia, not long after encountering you." The elven word he used for "encountering" was also loaded with condescending overtones. "She has been strangely silent ever since. Perhaps you could enlighten us on your exchange with her, and what you know of her plans and intentions after dealing with the Errant."
I think for a moment, then shake my head. "I don't recall Peregin Bauti mentioning any plans, aside of the fact that she was still on the trail of a particularly destructive Errant that I had not encountered. Once we finished the Errant I was tracking, she headed off on her own while I continued on my usual patrol route. I offered her my aid, but she wished to continue on alone." Not really a shock - Bauti is fairly well known for enjoying the hunt, so I don't think anyone will find that story odd. And, while technically I didn't offer any help, she didn't ask, so no harm done. Besides, I was in the middle of smuggling Lillith away from her at the time.
"In any case," I say, slightly annoyed with the aside, "The matter that brought me here is of some urgence. There is an active cult of Exatalis, and they appear to have stumbled upon some very serious death magic - either spells or devices - as well as some other... well, the phrase 'tentacled monstrosity' is a fairly apt description."
There - hopefully that will get their attention.
-- Drusia
I think for a moment, then shake my head. "I don't recall Peregin Bauti mentioning any plans, aside of the fact that she was still on the trail of a particularly destructive Errant that I had not encountered. Once we finished the Errant I was tracking, she headed off on her own while I continued on my usual patrol route. I offered her my aid, but she wished to continue on alone." Not really a shock - Bauti is fairly well known for enjoying the hunt, so I don't think anyone will find that story odd. And, while technically I didn't offer any help, she didn't ask, so no harm done. Besides, I was in the middle of smuggling Lillith away from her at the time.
"In any case," I say, slightly annoyed with the aside, "The matter that brought me here is of some urgence. There is an active cult of Exatalis, and they appear to have stumbled upon some very serious death magic - either spells or devices - as well as some other... well, the phrase 'tentacled monstrosity' is a fairly apt description."
There - hopefully that will get their attention.
-- Drusia