"I'm getting a bad feeling about this," Rip muttered to the crow/parrot familiar perched on his shoulder. "They shouldn't be taking so long at whatever they're doing."
"RAAWWK," Thurston squawked, definitely sounding more like a parrot than a crow. "Want me to check 'em out, boss?"
Rip considered. Needless to say, it would be a VERY bad idea for Thurston to get caught snooping into whatever had bagged Tamina, Shorty, and so on. [OOC: Incidentally, I too could use a who's-where summation. /OOC:] On the other hand, the combination of the crow disguise, plus the Obfuscation spell(*), seemed to work as well on kobolds as it did on humans; at least they weren't getting any puzzled or untoward looks from the townsfolk, er, townskobolds. He decided to risk it. "Go ahead, but don't get caught, okay?"
"RAWK. Roger that." Thurston took wing.
Not too many seconds later, he was outside the kobold chief's lair, listening as best he could to what was going on inside. In this, Thurston had a big advantage that Rip and Shorty did not: he was hard-wired with a Translation spell, so as soon as he could hear the exchange, he could interpret it. Better yet, Shorty, who'd seen more than enough of Thurston over the years to see through the Obfuscation spell, noticed him outside ... and flashed him a two-word telepathic message, that being about all he could manage, but it should be all that was needed. <"Trouble, featherhead.">
Thurston listened intently, for long enough to get a clear sense of what was going on. Then he flashed a one-word reply back to the huge man before arrowing back to Rip.
This HKV entry describes the Obfuscation spell, first used by Meji
way back in the early days of ES. Unfortunately, links from the HKV to ES itself are bollixed at the moment, as Impy and kaitou, with a little (ahem) help from me, try to get the site ready for Errant Legend to come on line. Look
here to see Meji's explanation of how it works.]