Airship Pirates, Chapter 1: Isabel
- Sareth
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Re: Airship Pirates, Chapter 1: Isabel
[OOC]Sorry for my lateness. Last minuteitus caught up with me as I began to panic about this being the last couple weeks of classes for the semester and I wanted to be sure I had everything done...[/OOC]
The runabout settled to the ground and disgorged its passengers into the typical gloom of a temperate coastal rain forest. Tall trees with full branches reached out above, seeking every drop of sunlight they could get, leaving only the patch eking through the hole in the canopy through which they had dropped. A quick debate resulting in four sets of hands pointing in five different directions briefly took place, at the end of which Rip let the group in the direction his (relatively) sane head had determined was the right one. A bit of bush whacking (and mosquito whacking as well) later, and the group found themselves looking out over a clearing in the forest. Numerous piles of dirt lay next to square holes with carefully metered out marking poles and strings. Tents sat to one side in half-orderly rows. Numerous tools, sorting racks, and crates could be seen about. Everything was still and quiet.
The runabout settled to the ground and disgorged its passengers into the typical gloom of a temperate coastal rain forest. Tall trees with full branches reached out above, seeking every drop of sunlight they could get, leaving only the patch eking through the hole in the canopy through which they had dropped. A quick debate resulting in four sets of hands pointing in five different directions briefly took place, at the end of which Rip let the group in the direction his (relatively) sane head had determined was the right one. A bit of bush whacking (and mosquito whacking as well) later, and the group found themselves looking out over a clearing in the forest. Numerous piles of dirt lay next to square holes with carefully metered out marking poles and strings. Tents sat to one side in half-orderly rows. Numerous tools, sorting racks, and crates could be seen about. Everything was still and quiet.
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Re: Airship Pirates, Chapter 1: Isabel
"Alright," Leana says, "so what we gonna do now? Rip you seem capable, you leading this expedition? "
- Graybeard
- The Heretical Admin
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Re: Airship Pirates, Chapter 1: Isabel
"so what we gonna do now? Rip you seem capable, you leading this expedition? "
"RRAAWK!" Thurston spluttered indignantly, dropping his cigar (which fortunately wasn't lit). "You don't know this man the way I do! He couldn't lead a band of sailors to an Isabel whorehouse if he smelt the bad perfume! He mph!"
The parrot's diatribe was interrupted by Rip, as he plugged the cigar back into his beak with just slightly more force than was absolutely necessary. The cutoff wasn't mainly a function of Thurston's insults, though; truly, it wasn't. (Really. Trust me.) Rather, it had to do with something Rip had seen on the ground in front of one of the tents. He bent to pick it up, with much the same care as he might have taken bare-handing a venomous snake.
A locket. Possessed of a Tsuirakuan magical glow adorning a simple silver heart. On a simple silver chain.
Exactly like the one he'd given Arabella ... before she ran off with Nikolaitis.
"She's here," Rip growled, in the voice of a grounded thundercloud.
"RRAAWK!" Thurston spluttered indignantly, dropping his cigar (which fortunately wasn't lit). "You don't know this man the way I do! He couldn't lead a band of sailors to an Isabel whorehouse if he smelt the bad perfume! He mph!"
The parrot's diatribe was interrupted by Rip, as he plugged the cigar back into his beak with just slightly more force than was absolutely necessary. The cutoff wasn't mainly a function of Thurston's insults, though; truly, it wasn't. (Really. Trust me.) Rather, it had to do with something Rip had seen on the ground in front of one of the tents. He bent to pick it up, with much the same care as he might have taken bare-handing a venomous snake.
A locket. Possessed of a Tsuirakuan magical glow adorning a simple silver heart. On a simple silver chain.
Exactly like the one he'd given Arabella ... before she ran off with Nikolaitis.
"She's here," Rip growled, in the voice of a grounded thundercloud.

Because old is wise, does good, and above all, kicks ass.
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Re: Airship Pirates, Chapter 1: Isabel
"You sound unhappy, hey parrot, think he would like, me to practice my finer electricity control on this 'she'?" Leana says cracking a smile.
- Graybeard
- The Heretical Admin
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- Location: Nuevo Mexico y Colorado, Estados Unidos
Re: Airship Pirates, Chapter 1: Isabel
"RAAWWWK. No, that wouldn't work well," Thurston said. "He's talking about his ex, who's now sleeping with the guy who's running this expedition ... and he wants to win her back, not cook her." The expression on Rip's face implied agreement, although only inarticulate growls were escaping his lips.

Because old is wise, does good, and above all, kicks ass.
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Re: Airship Pirates, Chapter 1: Isabel
"I would not necessarily have to 'fry' her, If I learned one thing from the humans I broke it was how lightning effects humans; anytime a human tries do something their brian sends pulses of electricity- now I've only used small amounts of lightning on Leana, and not very much, just enough for an electric rush. So if I did try those on her, I probably would fry her, unless," says looking at the others with a sinister grin, "someone wants to volunteer!"
Not getting a positive reaction, Leana says:
"Dibs on the other pirates!"
Not getting a positive reaction, Leana says:
"Dibs on the other pirates!"
- Sareth
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Re: Airship Pirates, Chapter 1: Isabel
[OOC]In the interest of getting things moving here...[/OOC]
A shout echoed from out in the trees. Birds rose. And then stillness fell on the clearing once again.
A shout echoed from out in the trees. Birds rose. And then stillness fell on the clearing once again.
- Graybeard
- The Heretical Admin
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Re: Airship Pirates, Chapter 1: Isabel
"If I learned one thing from the humans I broke" -- just WTF does she mean by that? Rip asked himself. Himself, of course, didn't have any answers either, but one thing was clear: some of this girl's figures of speech were spooky. A good lifemage, or maybe better, a good shrink, would have a field day with this chick. However, none was handy, so ...
"I guess we'd better check out that voice," he said. "Uh, Shorty ... you first."
The large man glared back at him, then shrugged his shoulders, a movement that would register on certain recording instruments in Isabel some minutes later. "Whatever you say, boss." He started moving toward the sound, but he didn't get very far before stumbling over something on the ground. (The resulting impact produced a reading one notch higher on the Richteriel scale than the shrug, on the same instruments.) "So what do we have here?..."
There was only one thing it could be, really: a human thigh bone.
"I guess we'd better check out that voice," he said. "Uh, Shorty ... you first."
The large man glared back at him, then shrugged his shoulders, a movement that would register on certain recording instruments in Isabel some minutes later. "Whatever you say, boss." He started moving toward the sound, but he didn't get very far before stumbling over something on the ground. (The resulting impact produced a reading one notch higher on the Richteriel scale than the shrug, on the same instruments.) "So what do we have here?..."
There was only one thing it could be, really: a human thigh bone.

Because old is wise, does good, and above all, kicks ass.
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- Joined: March 21st, 2010, 4:23 pm
Re: Airship Pirates, Chapter 1: Isabel
"Hmmmm, now what could that be doing here? There would not happen to be any, man-eaters here, would there?" She says looking at Rip. Not bothering to here a response she;
"Meh, well lets go, I could use a puppet to experiment on! I still have not gotten the hang of emotions, there so damn hard to imitate, and keep in for a while without constant shock," And in a whispered voice, "and not frying the though organ."
"Hey we took the cook with us right? I assume you got combat abilities, but what about him?"
"Meh, well lets go, I could use a puppet to experiment on! I still have not gotten the hang of emotions, there so damn hard to imitate, and keep in for a while without constant shock," And in a whispered voice, "and not frying the though organ."
"Hey we took the cook with us right? I assume you got combat abilities, but what about him?"
- Graybeard
- The Heretical Admin
- Posts: 7185
- Joined: August 20th, 2007, 8:26 am
- Location: Nuevo Mexico y Colorado, Estados Unidos
Re: Airship Pirates, Chapter 1: Isabel
"Combat abilities? That's what Shorty is for," Rip said, indicating the enormous man. "For the rest of us, the goal is to avoid combat and do what we're here to do, although I think your electrical magic would come in handy if it came to that."
Rip was starting to get worried about that electrical magic, though. From the girl's strange speech pattern, it almost seemed as if she had some weird dissociative disorder where the magic was doing the talking and the female human was just a mouthpiece. Well, weirder things had happened. He'd known a mage back in Tsuirakushiti who acted exactly as though his cat familiar was the mage and he himself was the familiar ... Wait a minute, that wasn't that weird. All cats thought they were the boss. Well, anyway...
He knelt to examine the thigh bone and made a most unsettling discovery: there was still a tiny scrap of flesh on it. Whatever had picked the bone clean had done it very recently, which meant that the bone was separated from the rest of the body it was part of similarly recently. that probably wasn't good.
"That way," he pointed into the woods, feeling a great deal less confident about this outing than he sounded -- and he didn't sound that confident, either.
Rip was starting to get worried about that electrical magic, though. From the girl's strange speech pattern, it almost seemed as if she had some weird dissociative disorder where the magic was doing the talking and the female human was just a mouthpiece. Well, weirder things had happened. He'd known a mage back in Tsuirakushiti who acted exactly as though his cat familiar was the mage and he himself was the familiar ... Wait a minute, that wasn't that weird. All cats thought they were the boss. Well, anyway...
He knelt to examine the thigh bone and made a most unsettling discovery: there was still a tiny scrap of flesh on it. Whatever had picked the bone clean had done it very recently, which meant that the bone was separated from the rest of the body it was part of similarly recently. that probably wasn't good.
"That way," he pointed into the woods, feeling a great deal less confident about this outing than he sounded -- and he didn't sound that confident, either.

Because old is wise, does good, and above all, kicks ass.