Return to the Southern Continent

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Re: Return to the Southern Continent

Post by Graybeard »

Khoo still wasn't completely comfortable with this arrangement.

"I guess," he said, following the others through the streets of central Kiyoka en route to the harbor. "We're still going to have to find a boat to charter. Are you sure the sailors here are reliable?"

[OOC: Before proceeding with what may be coming here, it's rather important to me to know what, if any, steps Drusia is taking to conceal the fact that she's an elf. Hint: Keyes is back from his crazy adventures involving Jamie...]

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Re: Return to the Southern Continent

Post by Alberich »

"'course!" grinned Udo. "We're travelling with ladies. And sailors always welcome ladies...most politely! And if not, you can kick their ass!" He grinned an unsettling grin. Actually, in this company, the men would have to move very fast to have any ass left to kick. But he wanted to make sure old Khoo-Khoo was really committed to this dangerous adventure.
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Re: Return to the Southern Continent

Post by Jack Rothwell »

The waterfront was impressive, certainly a jaw-dropper in the kobold's estimation. The four travelers cleared the last street and were greeted by the sight of dozens of vessels of various shapes and sizes, and the people walking around were as varied as the ships they sailed.

Tamina homed in on the nearest individual, a heavily tattooed bald man carrying a sack up a gangway, and greeted him with a question.

"Hi, hi! 'Scuse me, you going to the Southern Continent?"

"Tha' sum kinda fancy talk fa' a roll in th' hay?" He grunted in a barely legible accent. He jerked his head at a flight of stairs on the deck. "Cabin's onna left darlin', wait fer me there."

"Wha-? You, uh, offering me a ride? Don't need hay! We're sailing!"

"Th' ride of ya life." He leered, Tamina smiled back uncertainly.
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Re: Return to the Southern Continent

Post by Alberich »

Udo hustled up and cut in - "It's a ship to Grendell we're looking for," he said. "Is there one around here?"
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Re: Return to the Southern Continent

Post by Jack Rothwell »

"Aye." The man replied, as Tamina edged slowly away from him. "Try The Drake, s' a waterin' 'ole on the east side. Someone'll tak' ya if y'ask nice." He chuckled through a mouthful of blackened teeth and resumed moving his cargo.

"Barely understood a word he said." The kobold murmured to Udo, as they followed his directions. "Why'd we need hay on a boat trip?"
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Re: Return to the Southern Continent

Post by Alberich »

[OOC: Because he was a Saskatchewan pirate!]

Better not to get into details. "He didn't understand a word you were saying, either," said Udo. "Sailors...use a lot of slang. Ah, sailor talk, just for them. Like how they say 'parbuckle me' when they really mean 'damn my eyes.' And a 'knee-knocker' is just part of the ship, when it would mean something else to a soldier. And If they want to trade you something for cumshaw...err, don't. Oh, look, there's the Drake already!"
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Re: Return to the Southern Continent

Post by Graybeard »

OOC: So, do you-all want Keyes to show up and address the transportation issues? I'll go whichever way you wish, but be aware that his interactions with Drusia could be ... awkward.

More Monday when full access is returned, but again, I can play it either way according to people's preferences.

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Re: Return to the Southern Continent

Post by Drusia »

It is a rather novel experience having no idea where I'm going. I don't think I've not known where I was going in centuries.

I mean, sure, things change sometimes, but they're still basically in the same places. Maybe a building gets demolished and rebuilt elsewhere, but the city doesn't move. Going somewhere I've never been... I haven't done that in a very long time.

Udo is hovering protectively around Tamina. Well, that is a good bodyguard's job. He over-reacts a tad to some harmless flirting. I think I would have had better luck flirting back, but never mind. He is rather useful, for all that.

Tamina edges away from the man - was she really that bothered by him? - and I take the opportunity to step up beside her and rest a hand on her shoulder. Not as overt as Udo's bluster, but I hope rather more reassuring.

Udo explains about ship-slang - I'm fairly familiar with the stuff, having spent a lot of time near water, so I don't really pay much attention. Instead I enjoy the smell of the water.

The Lake at Snamish just isn't the same. That's what water - real ocean - is supposed to smell like.

OOC: Um... Drusia doesn't have much to say at the moment. Sorry. ^^;;
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Re: Return to the Southern Continent

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Against some of the party's expectations, The Drake was a relatively upmarket tavern. The group saw the neat paint job on the stone walls, the alfresco tables and an eye-catching depiction of a huge lizard on the sign which hung over the oaken door that was the entrance to the building. Inside was a crowded room with a cheerful atmosphere, the cacophony of human voices accompanied by the sound of a band playing an uptempo number which immediately brought a smile to the kobold's face. The heads of exotic sea-creatures framed the bar by the opposite wall.

Tamina's head seemed to turn in every direction at once as the seed of a possible of a short break sent out a tentative shoot in her mind.

"Still early, right?" She said to her companions. "Can get a drink an' a dance, can't we? Do... umm... elves dance, Dru?"

At the bar, a tall, lanky man dressed in bright red garments turned around and watched the group with interest. A shock of shoulder-length curly blonde hair framed a face of sharp cheekbones, sculpted facial hair, and pretty blue eyes which observed the newcomers.

"Every time I come here, the clientele gets stranger and stranger." He said to the barman.

"Could be worse, they could be trolls." The barman replied.
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Re: Return to the Southern Continent

Post by Alberich »

"Can get a drink an' a dance, can't we? Do... umm... elves dance, Dru?

Udo grinned. "Tsuirakuans do." Though old Khoo-khoo didn't look nimble on his feet, the boy had made it through school, so presumably he had the basic social skills. Two guys and two ladies - it would be a lot easier than digging up a date for the prom. Especially at a Tsuirakuan school where the girls knew invisibility spells.

Briefly, Udo reflected on the fact that this was the first barbarian-country tavern they'd entered since being abandoned by Jamie. Which meant it stood a fair chance of standing unwrecked when they left it. That would make a nice change.