Seven(?) against the Convergence

As we play, occasionally we'll close a thread and open a new one to keep the size of threads (and relative complexity) down to a dull roar. Here's where we store the closed posts from the history of Errant Road.
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Re: Seven(?) against the Convergence

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Tamina, for her part, had elected to investigate the culinary related areas of the airship after take-off for further signs of elves...well...alright, she was hungry.
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Re: Seven(?) against the Convergence

Post by Graybeard »

OOC: So does anyone want to have any fun pulling Amalric's chain (or each other's) after everyone wakes up? I have a big long thing coming tomorrow that sets the stage for the Boss Battle and tries to tie together various pieces of the story, after which I'll start my intermittency (although I should still be in at least partial contact until Saturday).

What took you to Anchorage, A? We'll be passing through there for a day mid-trip as we switch from watery adventures to dry-land ones at Katmai. Any recommendations?

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Re: Seven(?) against the Convergence

Post by Jack Rothwell »

OOC Fun with authority figures? Sounds like a job for everyone's favorite kobold to me. Anyone got any suggestions? :)/OOC
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Re: Seven(?) against the Convergence

Post by Alberich »

[OOC: "Fun with Authority Figures" sounds like a show for kids who are too old for "Tim's Questing Towel" but I don't have any suggestions. Amalric acts like someone who wants to be left alone and probably should be.]
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Re: Seven(?) against the Convergence

Post by Graybeard »

[OOC: OK, here's some tailor-made trouble with Amalric for Tamina to get into...]

"What's that?" Sister Rose asked Father Amalric, pointing to a large case that occupied part of the control room.

An hour's nap had refreshed her considerably, as usual. It had also taken the airship most of the way across the northern sea; land could be seen on the horizon through the forward windows. This thing is really moving, Rose thought. I didn't know we had the capability for ships like this.

"Iron rations," Amalric answered, interrupting her examination of the Northern Confederacy (both visual and mental). "They shouldn't be here. Move them to the rear of the ship, please."

Iron rations? thought Rose. We're only going to be here for a couple of days, unless things go completely to hell in a handbasket. And I know there's enough food in that little magical galley to last those few days. Also, where did he get them? And why does it matter where they are? Maybe some weights and balances thing? She shrugged and bent to comply, but the case was heavy; she'd want to wait for someone else to come forward and help. Do iron rations really weigh that much? And for whom are they intended?

[OOC: So who's going to come help Rose?]

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Re: Seven(?) against the Convergence

Post by Jack Rothwell »

"Rations?" Tamina echoed, appearing at the door with her drits pricked up. "I can help you move the food! Just been bored in my room anyway."

The kobold offered Father Amalric her best smile after her declaration. She'd reasoned that the stern man just needed a little niceness to brighten him up.
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Re: Seven(?) against the Convergence

Post by Graybeard »

As she thought about it, Sister Rose decided that maybe the iron rations did make sense. She didn't know where they were going, or how long it was going to take to get them there, and to rescue Brother Dalton once they did, let alone do whatever had to be done against the Convergence itself. "Let's go," she said to Tamina (Father Amalric seemed utterly oblivious to the kobold's presence), and grunting with the effort, they moved the heavy pallet back to the cargo hold.

Where, she now saw, there were other interesting things. Somebody had laid in a number of outfits of winter clothing, the kind that wouldn't be needed for months yet in the lowlands, even in the north, but would be suitable for mountain travel. And what were tents doing in this hold? Weren't they going to be staying on the airship while they did whatever it was that needed doing?

I want to talk to Argus and Therese about this, she decided, and the conversation was going to have to be in private, as much as could be done on an airship.

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Re: Seven(?) against the Convergence

Post by Jack Rothwell »

"Don't think he likes me much- the Father-man." Tamina said offhandedly as she perused the supplies with Rose. "Hmmm... see they brought big jackets 'n' stuff. Don't see clothing like this in the Killikah lands... too warm for it."

The kobold, curiosity extending a shoot, liberated one of the coats from the pile and tried to pull it over her head, although between it's awkward size, the sleeves, and her stubby fingers it was a process which would involve a fair amount of grunting and hopping around in circles to accomplish.

OOC Of course, if she happens to collide with anything humorous/chaos-causing/secret-revealing... feel free to make her Grey./OOC
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Re: Seven(?) against the Convergence

Post by Graybeard »

[OOC: OK, starting intermittency, may not be seen for a week or so...]

Sister Rose suppressed a guffaw at Tamina's antics. "You look like an animated snowman," she said. Of course Tamina, coming from a land that knew no snow, might not understand that; if so, she'd explain it.

However, there was much else to be explained. All of this gear looked like it was expected to be in use for quite a while ... and she didn't even know where they were going yet. But how does Amalric? That seemed like an interesting question to think about.

Well, that could come later. For the moment there was the well-being of others to think about. She went to check on Desiree. [OOC: Hint, hint. ;) ]

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Re: Seven(?) against the Convergence

Post by Drusia »

OOC: If someone was stationed to watch Desiree, which I don't believe was the case, then let's just say they took a bathroom break or something. /OOC

I wake to stomach pain. I can't quite tell if I'm hungry or ill. Maybe a little of both?

I'm alive. And in a familiar looking bedroom. Huh.

I pull a loose shirt - which I don't recall putting on - off and examine my torso. There is a thin, almost invisible white scar a few inches below my left breast. I swallow and lay back down.

So. That happened. The stomach pain is probably post-healing hunger. I should go get some food.

Instead, I lie there until the door opens.

"Hi, Rose," I say, giving her a wan smile.

-- Desiree