Temple of the Divine Dwarf, part 2

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Re: Temple of the Divine Dwarf, part 2

Post by Jack Rothwell »

(OOC I'll try and get something up tomorrow or later today, been really busy over the last week./OOC)
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Re: Temple of the Divine Dwarf, part 2

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Eve, after much struggling and blue-faced gasping, had managed to manoeuvre herself into a position where she had the woman mountain in an arm lock and was wrenching the over-sized limb with her entire body in order to illicit some kind of pained response from her. The others where mostly dazed and confused, Leo in particular was trying to recover from the shot which had sent him staggering moments before. Jade extricated from the stunned man she'd punched head first into the floorboards at the sight of Layla and Joe edging towards the door, coupled with the chandelier's short but violent trip to the floor of the pub, and began accosting her fellow guild members and pulling them towards the nearest exit.

By the time the Silver Hands left the tavern there wasn't one who didn't look the worst for wear. Eve scratched at a swollen throat while Leo rubbed at what would certainly be a black eye by tomorrow. Bert's cheek oozed a steady stream of crimson from a wayward glass while Jade simply swayed a little on her feet, not from violence, the combination of whiskey, low priced beer and the night air had left her just outside the realm of sobriety.

"So..." She slurred. "Everything's going swimmingly so far, what now?"
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Re: Temple of the Divine Dwarf, part 2

Post by Graybeard »

"So we get out of here, what else?" Layla said, not quite believing she'd heard what Eve asked. Truthfully, things were going about as well as could be hoped, and far better than she'd expected. The rest of the clientele, quite understandably, had taken umbrage at one-eyed Jake using them for a soft landing when the chandelier fell, so the mood in the bar had changed from "beat up on strangers" to "beat up on whatever is available, preferably Jake." A low-key exit seemed like the thing to do.

Even better news was waiting when they got outside. Layla's concentration wasn't at its best, because of the sounds of violence coming from inside the bar, but any Wraith could focus very intently when the situation called for it. She set to work checking out the magical trail that Eve had been leaving ...

"You're not being tracked any more," she said happily. "Either it wore off, or when all that magic got released when the light globes broke, it wiped out the tracking. Let's get out of here before some other surprise comes up, and plan our next move." Without waiting for responses, Joe set the wagon in motion.

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Re: Temple of the Divine Dwarf, part 2

Post by Jack Rothwell »

"First bit of goods news I've heard all day." Croaked Eve, making her way to the wagon followed by a wincing Leo and a happily tipsy blacksmith.

"I vote back to the vineyard." Jade put in. "A glass of wine'd be favorite right now."

"My sweetheart, the drunk." Leo muttered.
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Re: Temple of the Divine Dwarf, part 2

Post by Graybeard »

OOC: So are we OK to fast-forward to morning?

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Re: Temple of the Divine Dwarf, part 2

Post by Jack Rothwell »

OOC Sure, sounds good./OOC
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Re: Temple of the Divine Dwarf, part 2

Post by Graybeard »

[OOC: OK, morning it is...]

Layla was up early, as usual, despite the lateness of the group's return to the vineyard; there was a run to be taken and a baby to be fed. Leaving Ace snoring in bed and Zachary peacefully asleep in the crib next to it, she set off, hoping the cool morning air would clear her head and help her find a way to break her mother out of her magical prison.

When she returned three miles and twenty minutes later, she came bearing good news and bad news. On the positive side, the vineyard didn't appear to be under observation, and the magical trail that they'd plunged into the Seeadler district to defeat seemed to be well and truly gone. On the debit side, she wasn't any closer to an idea of how to put pressure on Seishi Torou to spring Faye free of her confinement. The Silver Hands people (other than Eve, who'd had rather too much to drink the night before) were showing signs of life, and she diverted to talk to them before going to shower and feed her son. "Any bright ideas?"

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Re: Temple of the Divine Dwarf, part 2

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Rufus, now blessedly free of the enchantment he'd suffered earlier in the day that had left him feeling emasculated to say the least, fielded Layla's question with careful consideration as the rest of the group assembled around him.

"Magic is tricky. Always has been in my experience. If we're going to free your mother from her imprisonment then surely the best way to achieve would be the take hostage the man who put her there in the first place."

"We know where Seishi lives at least." Jade interjected. "Perhaps we should just mount up and head there in force. Between your organisation and mine we can handle one little mage." She paused. "Can't we?"
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Re: Temple of the Divine Dwarf, part 2

Post by Graybeard »

Layla fixed Jade with a stare as Joe joined the conversation. "If it was only that easy. We don't know this Torou's capabilities, but they're obviously considerable. Go after him directly, and we probably get a fire fight. Not only does that put us at risk, which we don't want; it also runs a chance of killing him, which doesn't help us, and gets us targeted by whoever owns him. No, it's his wife we go after."

Joe looked puzzled. "Why go after either of them? Why not their baby? That seems safer than -- what's wrong?"

Layla's face had frozen into one of the scariest sights the Gewehr operative had ever seen, and the thoughts behind the mask matched the expression. I should just kill him here and now for suggesting that ... She forced herself to calm down. "Bag their kid," she explained, her voice as level as she could make it, "and mom and dad come after us with everything they can manage, and they don't stop until they're both dead, or we all are. That's the way they'd do it. Blue hells, that's the way I'd do it." And don't any of you forget that. "No, Mrs. Torou it is."

Unexpectedly, Ace chimed in at this point, from the bedroom door where he was standing, holding a giggling, cooing Zachary. (Where did they get that ability to be cheerful in the morning? Layla wondered.) "Torou, you say? Not a common name in Rinkaiel ... so maybe it means something that there's a Mrs. Torou who works at the airship terminal. She does scheduling, I've had to talk to her from time to time when I was running the ship in and out. Does that mean anything to you?"

Layla turned and raised an eyebrow in her boyfriend's direction. "You know, it just might..."

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Re: Temple of the Divine Dwarf, part 2

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Leo pointed a finger in the air at Ace's revelation.

"Ding! Now we're in business! So we head to the terminal and snatch her up and everything else falls neatly into place, what could possibly go wrong?"

"Well, there's that girl we were tracking last night who caused that kerfuffle with the guards. She could've gotten word to Seishi. And if that's happened we could go to the terminal and find ourselves walking straight into a trap." Jade responded.

"And that weaselly mage could come running to see his wife anyway." Eve added. "Someone should really keep an eye on him while this is going down. Better to be safe than sorry."

Bert stifled a snort of laughter at Eve's suggestion. If the young woman talking about safety wasn't ironic, then he didn't know what was. She save him a sharp look which wiped the expression off his face quickly.

"Cover all the bases." Rufus said approvingly.