Return to Port Lorrel

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Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Graybeard »

[OOC: New topic, following the Southern Continent by whatever interval of time seems appropriate...]

"So that's what I want you to do," Elke summed it up. "You should have a little time to make preparations. The boat is about a day and a half out of Lorrel."

And from everything I've heard and remember, the crew is going to feel like it's half their lives, Annabelle thought, not knowing that her perception of the people bringing Jamie back north was wrong by a wide margin: they'd feel like time had absolutely stopped and they were stuck in a never-ending version of maritime hell. "Roger," she answered. "Discreet surveillance, avoid contact unless it's necessary to extract her chaotic adolescent ass from the kind of trouble she's always in, and then, don't identify ourselves. That's it?"

"Right," Elke confirmed. "This should take about a week, and then some decisions will have to be made about whether to keep up the surveillance." She didn't say anything as to who would make those decisions, or why. "Rest up for the next day or two. You're going to need it." The connection was broken, leaving Annabelle wondering: She's the one who's recently pregnant and needs the rest ... and she's telling me I need it more than she does.

Well, crap.

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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Jack Rothwell »

"Fish-ing! Fish-ing! FISH-ING!!"

Wedge groaned as the kobold beside him began singing for what seemed like the millionth time that day. The waves were choppy, putting a slight sway across the deck of the ship that was enough to make the masts creak and give the passengers a slight sense of vertigo. Still, the sky was clear and the sun was shining but the whole situation gave the crewman of the Clark a overwhelming sense of deja vu; only a few days before Tamina had been harpooning delightedly just as they'd arrived at the southern continent. What followed had been a chaotic experience riddled with life or death situations filled with monstrosities desperate to see what the inside of the sailor looked like. Now, they were blessedly heading back to Port Lorrel, away from tropical plagues, the millions of bugs and creepy looking individuals in black robes with bad intentions.

Maybe now sanity would start to reassert itself.

"Seen-gull!" Tamina cried happily.

"Wha-" Wedge immediately realised he'd chosen a really bad moment to look up. If he'd been a praying man he might've taken it as a sign from a higher power that shit, in fact, still happens.
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Sareth »

Laughing, Jamie walked up behind Tamina and wrapped her arms around her. "She did warn you. Hey, did you know there's a town of people who think it's good luck to be shat on by a bird? Well, that's what I hear, at least." The girl's attention shifted. "So, any luck with the fishing?"
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Tamina smiled, then wheeled around in Jamie's grasp so the two were face to face and shook her head vigorously.

"Nope. Still learning how to throw. Awkward weighted handles, gonna get it through." The kobold rested her hands on the teenager's hips, grinned wider and leaned in for some encouragement. Wedge, meanwhile, froze in the act of cleaning himself up and stared shamelessly at the affection between the pair, a white trickle laboriously winding it's way down the bridge of his nose and a faint choking noise sounding from the back of his throat.
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Sareth »

"I think we're messing with his head too much, his brains are leaking out." Jamie chuckled. "So when do we make port? Tamina's mojo may be keeping me from being seasick, but I still find this whole big giant object floating on water and going the direction you want it instead of the wind wanting it thing completely unnatural. I need dry land under my feet. And then, a drink I think."

[OOC]I'm traveling until Monday. I'll do my best to check in when I can, but no guarantees.[/OOC]
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Jack Rothwell »

"T-t-" Wedge slapped himself in the side of the head and managed to reply. "Tomorrow, midday. Now...if you'll excuse me I need to... umm... need to..." Wedge trailed off, literally and verbally and left with his face glowing like a campfire. Tamina giggled and waved as the sailor made his exit.

"Quite like boats now." She said, returning to the harpoon she'd let clatter to the deck a second ago. "Got lots of fish around them, never seen some types, saw some big ones too." She weighted the thing in her hand and threw, scoring another miss, but only just. "Saw really big ones. Might be difficult to cook quickly. Wanna catch one though."
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Sareth »

"I dunno, they seemed to get pretty excited that time you got the five foot long shark. And not the good kind of excited." Jamie leaned against the railing and stared into the water. "Come to think of it, that could be fun. Wait here a minute, I got an idea."

The girl darted off below decks. A short time later she re-emerged grinning from ear to ear and being pursued by the ship's cook. The girl blithely ignored him and struck a match on the ship's rail.

"Watch this!" the girl touched the match to a fuse sticking out of the chickens mouth.

The cook took one look and dove back below deck.

"Found the grenades they keep for pirates."

The chicken got chucked over the side.
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Graybeard »

Keyes peeled off and set a course for home, then did something he almost never did while on duty: he got into Mr. Stagpoole's liquor cabinet and poured himself a good stiff drink.


Meanwhile, two curiously-garbed sort-of-priests were sitting atop a bluff overlooking Lorrel, gazing out at the city.

"Just three days to Midsummer's Eve," one told the other, "and we still can't find what we're looking for. I'm getting worried."

The second man snorted. "It's all your fault, you know. You shouldn't have put the powdered rhinoceros horn in the punch for last year's Feast of All Souls."

The first man shot him a look. "How was I to know there was somebody in the crowd that had a magic amplification power? I just used enough of the crap to juice people up a little, not make the punch into a Potion of Ultimate Horniness. That part wasn't my fault."

"Whatever," the second man shrugged. "Anyway, have faith. The Goddess will provide." He watched a ship appear over the horizon, the pandemonium on deck not yet apparent from such a distance.

[OOC: Sareth, let's continue that conversation ...]

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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Tamina frowned in miscomprehension at Jaime's manoeuvre, and ran to the edge to peer keenly over the side of the ship as the chicken hit the water. She thought that she'd never seen such a waste of meat in her life; maybe she could retrieve the chicken if she could tread water for a few...

Her companion hit her sideways with a tackle that bore the kobold to the ground before she had the chance to raise a word of protest. Not that the gesture was unwelcome, Tamina was used to wrestling around with her fellow tribesmen as a way of killing time and working out stress when things were going slowly. She opened her mouth to explain the etiquette of such things to her young lover.

"You could've gave me..." 'A warning' She would've finished, but Tamina never got the chance. All sound was temporarily blocked out as an explosion sent a geyser of liquid rocketing skyward only yards from the stern of the vessel. The kobold tried to exclaim some verbal astonishment at the sight of such unusual artillery but the descending liquid quickly put a stop to that. The humanoid caught a mouthful of salty water and rolled onto her front coughing harshly as chunks of fresh fish rained onto the stern of the Clark.
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Sareth »

"Whoot!" so soaked her clothes clung to her less-than-impressive body, Jamie jumped up and began slipping and sliding with glee over the wet deck. "Did I get any big ones? Anything?" she began scooping up the fish from the deck and casually chucking them below decks, much to the bewilderment of the ship's cook.

A thundering pound of foot steps erupted out of the cabin area and the Captain roared out onto the deck. "What in blazes was..." His exclamation squeaked to a halt as he stepped on a fish, slid, and then crashed to the deck. He scrambled on the deck, unable to find his footing, until he wound up in an uncontrolled scramble that slammed him into the railing. Slowly he pulled himself up. "I have had it! I swear I am buying a pub and never going to sea ag... What is THAT?"

Jamie slipped and skidded her way across the deck, slamming chest first into the rail. "Ow. That's hard on the ti... WOOOOAAAAAHHHHH..."

Dangling from the ship's anchor, thrashing about was a half stunned giant. It gave a powerful effort to shake free of the anchor hooked into it's gill, and the whole ship shook.

"I think we're gonna need a bigger boat."