Return to Port Lorrel

As we play, occasionally we'll close a thread and open a new one to keep the size of threads (and relative complexity) down to a dull roar. Here's where we store the closed posts from the history of Errant Road.
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Graybeard »

OOC in its entirety: If there's interest, that hydrofoil that just left Frobish Bay in the Getsemiel thread could just possibly put in at Port Lorrel. There would be some risk of Cerebus Syndrome from that, since the Veracian threads have been, shall we say, rather more "serious" stuff :ugeek: than this thread. However, it could be an opportunity for some rather odd interactions. Should I make it so?

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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Sareth »

[OOC]It'd be fine with me. Jamie could use a little sobering up at times. But what are we to do with the fellow traveling with Jasmine. Any idea on what the job he wants is?[/OOC]
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Jack Rothwell »

OOC I'm for it if we can make the transition work smoothly. But I would like to see what the guy with Jasmine has to say, after all, he's been following the trio out of Lorrel trying to offer Jamie a job for some time now. So.. lay a little plot down over the next few posts and then a new thread?/OOC
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Graybeard »

[OOC: OK, so a segue into what might follow with the Tsuirakuan:]

The man who'd been following Jamie finally made contact, taking care to put on an expression of lofty disinterest in the carnage around him.

"It is obvious to me that you derive a certain -- personal satisfaction from activities such as this," he said. "Perhaps it is finally time to offer you an opportunity for additional ... satisfaction. Please leave us for a moment, sir," he concluded with a glance at Udo -- a magically-laden glance that left the man little choice but to comply.

He snapped his fingers, and suddenly the chaos of the site was replaced by misty haze that left the man, Jamie and Tamina as the only ones standing. "As I was saying earlier, we desire your -- special services in causing the demise of this man." Another snap, and the image of a Tsuirakuan male hung in midair.

[OOC: Hope there aren't too many non sequiturs there. Feel free to propose retcons as needed ... and where's Jasmine?]

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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Sareth »

[OOC]Well, she had been standing outside. But now that the group is semi-sort of outside as well, let's assume she's more or less on the side of the building 90 degrees off from where our intrepid heroes are.[/OOC]

"Pfeh, is that all?" Jamie grinned and began replacing the single round she'd fired. "Who is he, what can he do to slow me down, and how public do you want the mess to be? My price depends on the details."
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Tamina, still slightly off-balance from her collision, not to mention the sudden change in scenery, merely assessed the scene in silent wonder. When the picture of the man appeared in the air and the talk of assassination came up, the kobold regained a little more awareness.

"Kill the man?" She exclaimed. "Why us? He a bad man?"
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Graybeard »

Tamina would have no way to know it, but the well-dressed Tsuirakuan had to fight down a strong impulse to pet her and see if he could get her to purr. "Yes, he is a bad man."

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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Jack Rothwell »

"But why us?" Tamina persisted, unmindful of devious mental images. "We protecting the car-a-van! Going to Lorrel tomorrow, getting paid!"

OOC Good God, does EVERYONE want to molest Tamina? :twisted: /OOC
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Sareth »


"Paid is good," Jamie nodded. "Of course, this will pay better, right?" She looked meaningfully towards the man proposing the job. "So yeah, who's the vic, where do I find him, how messy do I make this, and where's the advance payment?" She grinned.
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Re: Return to Port Lorrel

Post by Graybeard »

"I will answer your questions in reverse order," the well-dressed man said. "Here is the advance payment." He snapped his fingers -- it wouldn't be a bad idea to remind these barbarians that magic came naturally to Tsuirakuans -- and a coin purse appeared in his hand. "Take it. It would probably be best to accomplish your mission quietly; we care about the end, not the means. Do as you must to accomplish your mission, though. He may be -- challenging." It was left hanging in mid-air, in typically Tsuirakuan style, just how ominous that pronouncement was.

"As for where to find the subject of your mission," he continued, "truthfully, we do not know, and that is part of your challenge. Some things we do know. He is a man of considerable private means, but to our knowledge, he has never been to Lorrel before. He will not own property in the city. At the same time, it would be beneath him to take up lodging in a cheap inn on the waterfront." His demeanor made it clear that the mark wasn't the only one who'd be offended at hanging around that area. "One other thing," he continued. "We Tsuirakuans are a gregarious people. Where there is one of our kind, there will be more. If you find Tsuirakuan merchants in the city, they may lead you to the man you seek. But I must caution you: avoid seeking him among the official Tsuirakuan presence in Port Lorrel. He will not be among them, and to have your activities known to that presence would be ... unfortunate." The pause before that last word spoke volumes as to just how "unfortunate" that particular error might be.

[OOC: Don't rely on me to set up encounters with "Tsuirakuan merchants," invent some yourselves. I'm actually curious to see how all you guys portray the Tsuirakuans. Also, time for a new thread, maybe?]

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