Umbertiel, part 2 (Inquisition)

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Umbertiel, part 2 (Inquisition)

Post by Graybeard »

[OOC: OK, new topic, picking up the next morning...]

As usual, Sister Rose was up with the dawn. Less usually, she found herself moving as quietly as she could manage, to avoid waking the man in her room, although not in her bed.

She'd tried to talk Argus out of his insistence on using the bedroll, of course. I'm younger than he is, and I'm physically sound, without that awful shoulder, she thought guiltily as she tiptoed around his sleeping form. I should have insisted ... but it was so important to him. She chuckled softly at the incongruity of the whole situation. The Tsuirakuans, as far as she could tell, tended to treat men and women as practically interchangeable socially ... yet he was the one who'd insisted on being "gentlemanly." By the same token, almost every other woman in Veracia would have accepted that gallantry without a thought (if she'd been willing to allow a foreign man, to whom she was not married, in her bedroom at all). But not Rose.

We really are very well matched ... in all sorts of strange and wondrous ways.

Rose couldn't help listening quietly at the other doors as she made her way out of the inn to say her prayers. Two sets of very male snores were emanating from the room shared by Bryce and Maduin, surprising her not in the least. (Had Argus snored? She couldn't remember, but if he did, the sound was more comforting than intrusive.) It also wasn't surprising at all to hear evidence of dual occupancy in Eli's room; that room was the one on the floor with two beds, the plan had been for him and Brad to share space there. And Lillith's room was ...

Wait a minute. There are two people snoring in that one too. Surely ... they didn't ... did they? And Desiree's room is dead silent...

She decided it was really none of her business who was sleeping with whom, as she headed out into the garden to pray. Still, it was ... interesting.

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Re: Umbertiel, part 2 (Inquisition)

Post by Sareth »

Inside her room, Lillith stretched languidly and smiled. Next to her, on top of the sheets, was a fully dressed Brad.

"You sweet, sweet innocent man," she said softly, then twisted to give a small peck on Brad's cheek. Slipping carefully from the bed, she padded over to the door, opened it, and stepped out into the hall. She could see Rose down at the end of the hall, clearly headed for the garden.

"Oh, hello Rose," she said, closing the door gently behind her. She stepped quickly, catching up with the nun. The girl's eyes wandered over Rose for a moment, then narrowed ever so slightly. "You don't look all that mussed. How was your night?"
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Re: Umbertiel, part 2 (Inquisition)

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Unlike a few days ago (an event which, in a way, had led the current situation), Eli blinked awake in the cold light of the morning with full knowledge of what had transpired the night before. His body ached all over, but it was a good ache, certainly a feeling that was far from unpleasant.

The half-elf glanced around and found Desiree, still asleep, breathing lightly, a thin sheet spread across her, covering a body which would've made any man find religion. Eli smiled to himself and shuffled closer to the Priestess. He brushed her hair back and pressed his lips lightly to the back of her neck.

Problems and worries seemed a long way away at that particular moment, and the Snamish native resolved to make the moment last a while. He gently wrapped his arms around the pretty woman and closed his eyes again.
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Re: Umbertiel, part 2 (Inquisition)

Post by Graybeard »

"Very comfortable, thank you," Sister Rose smiled back. "Ar -- Your father insisted on sleeping on the floor, in the bedroll I brought up. That was quite unnecessary, I've slept in it in far more uncomfortable conditions than that. But he's such a nice man." She chuckled softly. "Such a good man."

They walked toward the garden for a moment while Rose pondered whether to ask the reciprocal question. Something like it would be polite. However, Lillith might find answering it ... awkward. Eventually, as they reached the garden, Rose settled on a compromise. "And you? Am I correct in assuming that my cousin was as -- I guess I'd say 'chivalrous' as your dad?"

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Re: Umbertiel, part 2 (Inquisition)

Post by Sareth »

Lillith gave a sigh, but smiled. "One of these days he'll figure out that, not only am I a girl, I'm one who is priestess to deities that view sex as a positive act. He was very gentlemanly. I'm not going to push though. I've come to learn that you Veracians view sex and marriage as the same thing, rather than two separate but complementary issues." The girl got a twinkle in her eye. "I hadn't thought Tsuirakuan's think that way, though. I may have to have The Talk with Father."

The girl took a deep breath of the fresh morning air, then stretched her hands out gracefully to either side. "Say what you will about this town, this garden feels wholesome. Almost like... those people aren't able to quite touch it."
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Re: Umbertiel, part 2 (Inquisition)

Post by Graybeard »

"Oh, you might be surprised," Sister Rose replied airily, leaving it hanging exactly what Lillith might be surprised about. "And I would not discourage you from having that talk with your father." She winked.

She took a deep breath of her own. "Yes, this is quite a nice garden. Truthfully, I wasn't expecting this kind of tranquility. I even got a hint that today's interviews might not be as -- stressful as I feared. Let's enjoy the peace and quiet; it's in too short supply in this world."

Finding a bench, she knelt to meditate ... but not before noticing that they weren't completely alone. In the next little open space in the garden, a young Veracian priest, barely more than a novice, was also saying his prayers, oblivious to the presence of the two women.

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Re: Umbertiel, part 2 (Inquisition)

Post by Sareth »

Nodding, Lillith settled down on another bench close to Rose. She took another deep breath and began to reach out, feeling for the spirits of the place and asking them to commune with her. The spirits reached back, and she felt herself relax at their touch, even as something at the back of her mind nagged at her that there was something a little strange about the feel of them.
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Re: Umbertiel, part 2 (Inquisition)

Post by Graybeard »

As a moth drawn to a flame, so came Brad, emerging from the inn and following Rose and Lillith (did she emit pheromones?) to the garden.

He did have the perception, at least, to observe that both were in postures of meditation/prayer -- such a spiritual person is my love -- and the discretion not to disturb them. For that matter, Brad was still a Reformed priest himself, and although that denomination did not stress rite and ritual as strongly as the Orthodox people did, there were still prayers that needed to be done to greet the day. He found a nearby bench and sank into his own position of meditation ...

... As the young priest who'd been in the garden finished his prayers, and looked up at Brad, puzzlement on his face, and then a hint of recognition.

[OOC: So where's everybody else? You can only stretch out a prayer scene just so long... :roll: ]

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Re: Umbertiel, part 2 (Inquisition)

Post by Drannin »

Argus yawned and opened his eyes to see Harker peering down at him expectantly.

"Well?" Harker inquired.

"...Well what?"

"Please tell me you're on the floor because you were too tired to climb back into bed."

Argus stared at his familiar. "Nothing happened. I got the floor. She got the bed. Anything else?"

Harker goggled. "WHAT?! Are you crazy? Do you have any idea how much of a pain it was to rig the innkeeper's books... er..."

Argus sat bolt upright. "What?!"


"Are you saying you set this whole thing up?!"


"Dammit, Harker!"

"Well, back atcha! Dammit, Argus! Are you a golem or something?! 'Cause the calcification is in your shoulder, not your damn happy sack!"

It was a damned strange wake-up call, Argus would later consider.
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Re: Umbertiel, part 2 (Inquisition)

Post by Drusia »

The half-elf glanced around and found Desiree, still asleep, breathing lightly, a thin sheet spread across her, covering a body which would've made any man find religion. Eli smiled to himself and shuffled closer to the Priestess. He brushed her hair back and pressed his lips lightly to the back of her neck.
He gently wrapped his arms around the pretty woman and closed his eyes again.

I feel arms around me. Strong arms... male, I think. Oh, hmm... I wiggle my butt slightly, feeling... yes, certainly male.

I open my eyes slightly and then, startled, more fully. I'm... not in my room. Right. Traveling. Eli would be the very pleasant shape wrapped around me.

Last night was very enjoyable. I wonder how late it is. A morning encore wouldn't go amiss, if we have time.

-- Desiree