Port Lorrel: The search for Jun Oshima

As we play, occasionally we'll close a thread and open a new one to keep the size of threads (and relative complexity) down to a dull roar. Here's where we store the closed posts from the history of Errant Road.
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Re: Port Lorrel: The search for Jun Oshima

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Tamina began screaming for a few seconds well... just because she didn't want to feel left out, then made her way to collapsed man.

"Wait! Got the healing magics! I can help!"

She knelt by the man's side, noted his absent pulse, noted his still chest and noted the glazed look in his eyes.

"Ahhh.... umm.... nevermind." She finished lamely.
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Re: Port Lorrel: The search for Jun Oshima

Post by Graybeard »

Blaise stood up. "We can do nothing for him. He is dead." This elicited the predictable gasps from the onlookers, even though the outcome had been obvious ... particularly to Blaise.

He turned to one of the watchers. "It looks like he was a Veracian priest. Someone should go to the temple and tell them. They'll want to give him last rites. I'll file a report with the authorities." He strode away without another word, toward the middle of town where the "authorities" presumably were ... and as far from the Veracian temple he could manage.

At least two of the watchers were authorities of sorts, to the extent that the Eisenfaust actually ran things in Lorrel, but Blaise would have no way of knowing that.


Meanwhile, a message was being sent via the church's communications system.

[OOC: I'm traveling for a couple of days, will pick this up again on Wednesday, but feel free to create chaos around the dead man in my absence.]

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Re: Port Lorrel: The search for Jun Oshima

Post by Jack Rothwell »

The company had taken the aftermath of the priest's death to retire to an alcove as far away from the cadaver, extracting a promise from the kobold that she would make an appearance in their 'magic show' that evening (OOC possible crossover opportunity here./OOC). Tamina shuffled her feet uncomfortably, feeling at a loss for something to do. Jamie would probably still be working and doubtless under surveillance anyway to kill the possibility of any kind of fun (certainly not the kind Tamina had in mind).

So there was nothing to do until evening. The kobold sat down at the bar, raised a hand to order a drink, and began to wait.
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Re: Port Lorrel: The search for Jun Oshima

Post by Graybeard »

[OOC: In case it isn't obvious, this is happening some time before this moment in the Getsemiel thread -- say one or two hours earlier. Events in both threads are leading toward the same horrendous space kablooie ... /OOC:]

Keyes was so busy trying to revive the dead man that he didn't notice for several minutes that someone was missing, and when he did, he didn't like it.

"Hey, where did Pader Blaide go?" he asked a bystander, who merely gave him a blank look; the man wouldn't have any way of knowing who Father Blaise was, after all. Keyes elaborated. "You know, de man who tarted de healing madic on dit poor guy."

Comprehension dawned on the face of one of the onlookers. "Tall fellow, maybe in his forties? He said he was going to go alert the authorities that there'd been a death here." A snicker. "Guy must be new in town. The 'authorities' don't give a rat's ass about someone who keels over in a tavern, unless it's one of their own or somebody they want dead."

Uh, oh, thought Keyes. "Where would he habe gone to talk to dede -- autoritied?"

Two men now on the way from the tavern to the Eisenfaust headquarters, of course, could have told him how to reach the real authorities in town, but they weren't available for consultation. The people remaining in the bar seemed more amused at the question than anything else, and there was a rather general "Luminosita only knows" reaction, generally delivered with a rolling of the eyes.

Keyes got the idea. Well, Blaise knew where the boat was, and he could find his way back there; Keyes was only the thing's skipper, not Blaise's personal guide and servant, no matter how much the man seemed to expect that kind of deference of him. (Plus, Keyes privately hoped that some bandit band would pick him off before he got back to the boat; by now he had had his fill of Father Blaise, Priest of the Veracian Church.) He should probably report this odd set of events to his boss, though. He disengaged from the mob at the tavern (catching Tamina's eye in the process) and headed back to the boat, not encountering another pair of priests that approached the tavern, in a state of considerable agitation, a few minutes later.

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Re: Port Lorrel: The search for Jun Oshima

Post by Graybeard »

OOC: So do we want to find a way to introduce Tamina and (optionally) Udo to the group that has just flown in from Veracia, and put the rest of this thread in hibernation until Sareth resurfaces? Keyes is really just there to move things along, no need to consider him an ongoing character in this -- indeed he would prefer to wash his hands of Blaise, get the hydrofoil fixed, and go back to doing whatever Mr. Stagpoole wants him to do. This thread can be revived if the hit on Jun Oshima gets to be a viable theme again.

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Re: Port Lorrel: The search for Jun Oshima

Post by Jack Rothwell »

OOC Merge them. We're dead in the water atm. I figured I'd use the 'magic show' as a possible way of introducing Tamina to the other group./OOC
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Re: Port Lorrel: The search for Jun Oshima

Post by Alberich »

OOC: Agreed.
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Re: Port Lorrel: The search for Jun Oshima

Post by Graybeard »

OOC: OK, this one is dormant awaiting Sareth's return. I'll write something to introduce Tammy to the others when I get back from dinner.

Because old is wise, does good, and above all, kicks ass.