Getsemiel, part 2

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Re: Getsemiel, part 2

Post by Graybeard »

OOC: Fast forward (to a new thread) is OK with me ... unless Argus is still awake, in which case there is still the opportunity for the night to be young, from Rose's point of view. :twisted:

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Re: Getsemiel, part 2

Post by Alberich »

Tim saluted the departing half-elf with the remains of his drink, sipped the rest of it while musing on one thing and another, then returned to the temple. The habit of years would get him up for morning prayer well before ten, soon enough to tell Rose as much as she needed to know. For his part, he certainly wanted to be in on the upcoming ambush.

[OOC: Okay.]
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Re: Getsemiel, part 2

Post by Drusia »

"Let's go get our rooms at the temple," she said, standing up. "It's been a long day, and it'll be an early start in the morning."
"It's been a long day," Sister Rose said as they got back to the temple. "I should probably go to the Rite of Repose for that poor priest. I'm sure the temple will want to give him one."

I leave Rose and Argus in the main temple and head to my room. Eli's things...

I take a few minutes and pack my things, leaving Eli's where they are. I'm sure he'll be back soon, and I'd rather not be here when he arrives. Feeling more than a little guilty, I close the door.

A few minutes later, one of the priests is showing me into another room. I told him my "husband" and I had a fight, and that I prefered to sleep elsewhere. Close enough. At least they were sympathetic.

I sit down in my new room, set my still packed things down, and pick up the water basin. A quick trip to the well to fill it, and another to find some clean rags, and I am finally ready. I lock the door to my room and strip.

I miss those Californican bath tubs. As I wash myself with the rags, I can't help but imagine how nice one of those tubs would feel right now.

With the dirt and grime of the day gone, I am better able to appreciate the collection of fresh bruises I've acquired. I have one on my butt that looks oddly like a duck. I tilt the mirror to get a better look at it, wondering what exactly I landed on to make a bruise that shape. I imagine it was probably when they were tossing my unconscious body around during transport.

Recalling the slaver who mentioned checking my virginity, I take some care cleaning there. Who knows what he had on his fingers. Ick. Still, apparently he was at least a bit gentle - I don't find any bruises, just a slight tenderness from his examination. I wash the area twice, just to be sure.

So that's that. All evidence of my brief captivity washed away. If only I could to do the same with my memories. I close my eyes and see it again - the slavers begging for their lives, and Eli killing them. That spell he used... remembering it makes me shiver. It felt... wrong. Cruel. Unclean, somehow, not that any death is really clean. Maybe it's because my magic is geared towards life, but that spell... ugh. Just remembering it makes my stomach turn over.

I clean up my cleaning supplies and then sit down on the bed. So. I'm stuck with the group for a while longer, it seems. And we're still chasing a killer. And we're heading even farther away from Snamish than we already are.

So nothing is going to get better. And now I can't even hide in bed with Eli and hope all the scary things go away. Well, I could, but since Eli just scared the crap out of me today, it makes hiding with him rather difficult.

I stare up at the ceiling for a while.

And then I wake up. I blink - I don't remember falling asleep, but it looks pretty dark now. My stomach growls. I guess I really haven't successfully eaten anything today. With a groan I get up and put a dress on. I head out into the temple to find food.

Oh, there's Rose. She looks rather baffled about something. I shrug and walk up to her.

"I'm looking for something to eat," I tell her. "And you're looking for... what?"

-- Desiree

OOC: ^^ It's the thread that won't die!
Edit OOC: I've been working on this post for nearly two hours - there were 5 new posts during that time. I'm impressed.
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Re: Getsemiel, part 2

Post by Drannin »

(OOC: Let's see what happens. And good to see you back Sareth! You've been missed!)

"Wake up." Water splashed on Argus' face, bringing him around.

"Harker, what..."

"She's awake. Still dressed? Good." Argus had simply slumped in an easy chair, feeling somewhat dejected, and drifted off. Now he found Harker standing on his lap, toweling his face off, and otherwise making him presentable.

Seconds later, Argus found himself pushed roughly out the door, staggering to a stop.

Desiree and Rose were standing around down the hall, looking startled. Rose was awake, then. Very well.

"Couldn't sleep," Argus lied. From the corner of his eye, he saw Harker giving him a thumbs-up.
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Re: Getsemiel, part 2

Post by Graybeard »

Sister Rose blinked at Argus' sudden appearance, then both her affection for the man and her sense of courtesy asserted themselves. "Oh ... hi. We were just going out to see if we could get something to eat, since we missed dinner. Want to join us? I hope it's not too late for somewhere respectable to be open." Although in some ways, I'd rather just have this dinner with Desiree, so I could ask her a few questions ... but there'll be time, and a male escort in this part of town seems like a good idea. Particularly this male.

As they passed out the main gate of the temple, it looked like something dinnerish should still be possible; it was still only ten at night or thereabouts, the exertions of the day had led to some uncharacteristically early bedtimes. Rose could see Tim as well, making his way toward them with an enigmatic expression on his face.

She could not, however, see what was behind her ... namely Harker, grinning ear-to-ear and making a vigorous thumbs-up gesture.

[OOC: Well, there are better reasons to keep some threads open excessively long than others... :mrgreen: ]

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Re: Getsemiel, part 2

Post by Alberich »

Well, this was fortunate - Rose was back up and Argus was with her. And Harker was trailing them - but why on earth was he leering and mugging like that? Probably just his badgery joke. Surely even a Reformist nun wasn't planning

"Good evening, ma'am," said Tim. "If you're looking for Eli, I can save you a trip -- I've met him and he's calmed down a bit, just preparing for what we know. Is there any news back here? Desiree's recovering all right?"

Did he but know it, he had the chance to make himself truly hated right now.
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Re: Getsemiel, part 2

Post by Drannin »

Right. Dinner with Desiree sounded like a good plan, help the poor girl adjust, and then perhaps he could find a reason to send her back to the temple, possibly with Harker. And then, perhaps he could broach certain... personal subjects and do what he really should have done a long time ago. It was all a question of timing...

Surreptitiously, Argus began scanning the hotels, seeking out one that actually looked somewhat respectable, and thinking up the best way to make his move.

For his part, Harker wasn't leaving anything to chance. Utilizing his abnormally developed stealth abilities he darted forward, got Desiree's attention, handed her a folded note with a shushing gesture, and darted back. Neither Rose nor Argus noticed the familiar, being more concerned with... other thoughts.

The note read: Boss going to make his move on Rose. I Will make this work no matter what. Wanna help?
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Re: Getsemiel, part 2

Post by Drusia »

"Oh ... hi. We were just going out to see if we could get something to eat, since we missed dinner. Want to join us? I hope it's not too late for somewhere respectable to be open."

It seems my attempt to find the kitchen has somehow resulted in me ending up as a third wheel on Rose and Argus's date. Well... awkward. Particularly since... well, if this was Snamish, and if they were in an established relationship, I would very much enjoy an evening with the two of them. Those two ifs not being the case, I shall attempt to put the thought from my mind.

Fat chance of that happening.

It doesn't help that Rose and Argus are just the sort of comforting, stable people who could make me feel warm and safe on a night like tonight. Compared to returning to my cold bed, alone...

... I really need to stop thinking about this. I'm not even sure they've had sex yet - any attempt on my part to interject myself will just end with everyone ending up alone tonight.

Okay then - new plan. If I am going to be alone tonight, I can do my best to see that Rose and Argus don't share my fate.

Accomplishing that might be a little tricky. Of course, I'm not a priestess of Anilis for nothing. Still, probably better to wait until after we've eaten. Not only because I might pass out if I tried to work any magic at the moment, but because I would kind of enjoy some dinner company.

"So, um... any ideas about where around here is good to eat?" I ask the group in general.

And, as we walk, I try to come up with some way to get Harker alone. I have some thought about he could help as well.

At that moment, Harker slips me a note. I slip it into my pocket, unfold it, and then feign a cough to get a quick look at it.

Boss going to make his move on Rose. I Will make this work no matter what. Wanna help?

Oh. Good.

I meet Harker's gaze, smile slightly, and nod.

Well, that went easier than I expected. So... what next?

-- Desiree

OOC: And thus begins Project: Get Rose Laid
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Re: Getsemiel, part 2

Post by Drusia »

I jump when I hear Tim's voice. I was distracted by Harker's note - I didn't even see him.

"Good evening, ma'am," said Tim. "If you're looking for Eli, I can save you a trip -- I've met him and he's calmed down a bit, just preparing for what we know. Is there any news back here? Desiree's recovering all right?"

"Um, I'm back here, Tim," I say, leaning around Argus to let him see me better.

Harker would be an ally in getting Rose and Argus into bed together - Tim would not be. It sounds like he already ate... with Eli. Is there... any way I can get him to leave without being mean or impolite? Nothing leaping to - oh wait!

"You said you've seen Eli," I say to Tim. "Would you let him know - he can use our room at the temple. I changed rooms. So he's welcome to come back if he likes."

There. Hopefully that will send Tim back to Eli... and give Rose and Argus some time alone.

-- Desiree
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Re: Getsemiel, part 2

Post by Alberich »

Tim hadn't noticed Desiree at first - he'd come at the wrong angle - "Oh! Ah, good evening!"

"You said you've seen Eli...Would you let him know - he can use our room at the temple. I changed rooms. So he's welcome to come back if he likes."

"I think for tonight he's happy where he is - he looked pretty tired and I think he was turning in. Where is it you're all going to, anyway?"

[OOC: Edited. It used to be this forum would tell me when someone else had posted and give me a chance to edit before my comment appeared. If that's an option, could it be turned back on?]

[OOC: Now we shall see the strategic mettle of the GRL conspiracy - or Harker's Hooligans, or whatever they call themselves. Tim's an unwitting OPFOR of one.]
Last edited by Alberich on April 20th, 2012, 4:36 pm, edited 4 times in total.