Getsemiel, part 2

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Re: Getsemiel, part 2

Post by Graybeard »

Sister Rose took Argus' hand. "You know, my room back at the temple is kind of drafty..."

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Re: Getsemiel, part 2

Post by Drannin »

"I think we might be able to get something a bit more comfortable a bit more close at hand." Covertly, Harker pressed a room key into Argus' hand. "Shall we?"
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Re: Getsemiel, part 2

Post by Graybeard »

Sister Rose's smile broadened, and if she was aware that Tim, before conking out, had asked a question about theology, she chose to ignore it. "I'd like that," she said softly.

Then she turned to Desiree. "Don't wait up for us. We'll be fine."

[OOC: And finally, I think, fade to black. And ahead to the new thread?]

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Re: Getsemiel, part 2

Post by Drannin »

(OOC: Finally, on many counts. Insert Harker fist-pump. And yeah, new thread)
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Re: Getsemiel, part 2

Post by Drusia »

"Have fun," I say to Rose as she and Argus leave the table for their room. I give them both a beaming smile as I watch them depart the dining room. Good for them. It's about time.

My smile fades as I turn back to reguard Tim. I raise an eyebrow at Harker.

"Did you have to put him out cold? How am I supposed to get him back to the temple like this?"

-- Desiree
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Re: Getsemiel, part 2

Post by Drusia »

I pay for a room, and pay more for someone to carry Brother Tim upstairs to said room. Then, with a sign, I walk back through the dark town to the temple.

My walk is uneventful. That's probably for the best - I am truly not up for any excitement tonight.

I pass by the room Eli and I shared - no one is within. I feel silly. But I still go to my new room and lock the door once I'm inside.

I take off my dress and hang it up so it won't be wrinkled tomorrow. Then I crawl into bed.

This time yesterday, Eli and I were either making love or cuddling afterwards. I was happy - a bit homesick perhaps, but happy. Now... now I'm alone.

I hate being alone. It goes against my nature. In Snamish, there was always someone who wanted to share my bed - sometimes more than one someone. And I had duties - regular, daily duties, that I could plan for. And there were ceremonies and festivals and harvests... I could be useful, and social, and walk around a town without getting attacked, kidnapped, or nearly trampled by run-away horses for the nth time.

Even in this group, I'm always lonely. I don't care about Luminosan politics or rogue priests or death magic - other than being terrified of it anyway - none of this matters to me. The only reason my mother was traveling with them was because she wanted Lillith to settle in Snamish - look how well that worked out. I'm meant to be the part of a thriving social network, part of a living breathing community. Here... I'm the weird girl who keeps ending up naked. No one knows me. Well, maybe Rose a little, but that's... different. And - no, wait, I think...

I'm lonly because I don't have a place here. That's what I miss - aside from personal saftey I mean - that sense that I am an important part of the community. In Snamish, I'm a priestess - and a fairly well respected one. I'm a talented healer, a good councelor, I'm good at conflict resolution, and I'm good at making my body and soul a channel to Anilis. People like me - I'm one of the most requested priests or priestesses at the temple. More, they respect me. I have a place in Snamish. I'm important there. I matter.

Here... I don't. Rose and Tim are both healers, and Rose is more experienced at using it during combat situations than I am. I'm no good at combat magic, no one else here follows my religion - well, Eli technically, but he isn't very religious, and he's more blessed by Senilis than Anilis. I've caused more conflicts than I've resolved. I suppose I could try making my body a channel for Anilis in exchange for donation money, but without a temple I'd basically just be a street-walker. Outside of Snamish, prostitution isn't respected or safe.

No wonder I feel lonely. Everything that makes me who I am is... worthless here. Instead of someone accomplished, I'm a misfit. Instead of someone valuable, I'm worthless.

I curl up and hug my pillow to me. I don't want to feel like this. I hate this. But I don't know how to change things.

Tired and frustrated, I cry onto my pillow, using it to muffle my sobs.

I fall asleep, still crying.

-- Desiree

OOC: And yes, I too am fine for a new thread.
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Re: Getsemiel, part 2

Post by Graybeard »

OOC: So on to the new thread. As Drusia points out there, a link is a good idea, to make it easy to get there from here. Therefore: Link. (And this one is closed.)

Because old is wise, does good, and above all, kicks ass.