Goriel and beyond

As we play, occasionally we'll close a thread and open a new one to keep the size of threads (and relative complexity) down to a dull roar. Here's where we store the closed posts from the history of Errant Road.
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Re: Goriel and beyond

Post by Alberich »

[OOC: If Jack takes up my invitation to do the conversation as an exposition post, I think it'll be just another post or two for Jack and Tim, and then we can not only skip to morning all together, but open a new thread - good time for it as the Bonny Read group is going into another thread anyway, and I think and hope these Goriel adventures will easily fill another thread.]
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Re: Goriel and beyond

Post by Drusia »

"Mmmmm. I guess we should talk about tomorrow," she smiled lazily. "There are ... plans to ... Oh, the hell with it."
"Thank you. That was wonderful. Let's just plan on being out of role briefly in the morning, okay? Sleep well."

I take the hint, slip my dress back on, and say a brief "Goodnight" before slipping out and closing the door firmly behind me. I stand there for a long moment - long enough to hear motion in the room, to hear their bed creek. I smile - I'm glad they're making love rather than going to sleep. I'm a tad sad I'm not in there with them, but I understand - I saw it when Rose turned over. It may have been my hands that aroused her, but she didn't even look at me.

Still smiling, I head back to my room and close the door behind me. I lock it, then slip out of my dress. I pull a few toys out of my bag and lay down on the bed.

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. It's not just being useful, or getting a chance to try covertcy, and it's not even the fact that I'll have a whole bunch of new lovers.

I need to get away from these people. As much as I've come to care for and respect them... I need to be away. Seeing Eli hurts, and seeing Tim is... I'm not sure, strange. Seeing Argus and Rose together makes me happy (and I'm happy to have helped get them there) but also a little sad. Even when things were good with Eli, we never had what they had. Eli never really understood me. And with Rose... I think I've fallen a little bit in love with her. Stupid of me, since I don't even think she comprehends the possibility of me being attracted to her, and anyway I wouldn't want to hurt her relationship with Argus, so... all in all, I think spending a week apart is probably going to be a good thing.

So yeah, I'm looking forward to tomorrow a lot.

In the mean time... well, there's no harm in using my imagination. Picturing what might have happened if Rose and Argus had asked me to continue the massage on other body parts, I put my toys to use.

-- Desiree

OOC: I'm good to move on to morning/a new thread. Desiree is just going to sit in her room and masturbate until she gets sleepy. ;)
Edit: Well, unless someone wants to come talk to her, but I don't think anyone really needs to. If someone tries, results may vary...
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Re: Goriel and beyond

Post by Graybeard »

Alberich wrote:[OOC: If Jack takes up my invitation to do the conversation as an exposition post, I think it'll be just another post or two for Jack and Tim, and then we can not only skip to morning all together, but open a new thread - good time for it as the Bonny Read group is going into another thread anyway, and I think and hope these Goriel adventures will easily fill another thread.]
OK, go for it. New thread some time tomorrow, then. Rose, to put it mildly, won't have anything to say for the rest of the night, except to Argus. :twisted:

Incidentally, where have Brad and Lillith been through all this? Minor loose end, but nothing requiring a delay to deal with it.

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Re: Goriel and beyond

Post by Jack Rothwell »

OOC I don't have anything else to write right now. Can't we just move forward and fill in the blanks when the need arises?/OOC
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Re: Goriel and beyond

Post by Alberich »

[OOC: Suits me, then - Graybeard, want to take it over to rear-view?]
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Re: Goriel and beyond

Post by Graybeard »

Alberich wrote:[OOC: Suits me, then - Graybeard, want to take it over to rear-view?]
So be it. The new thread seems to be clipping right along anyway ... As usual, this one will be left here for a few days to simplify transition, but it's now closed.

I've been out of pocket for several days, so have some catching up to do in the other thread, but you seem to be doing just fine without me. ;)

Because old is wise, does good, and above all, kicks ass.