Goriel and beyond

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Re: Goriel and beyond

Post by Alberich »

Tim nodded and did as instructed. The hardest part was getting himself to do it at all. After that it was simple enough. With a sigh of his own, he eliminated the symbols they'd drawn -- he didn't know whether Rose or Boris might see them and know what they were. (Rose, at least, had some knowledge of the Heretic Knowledge Vault; who knew what she might recognize?)

Before they went in he asked - "What happens if someone scuffs out the symbol while it's still here? Will anything go wrong?"
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Re: Goriel and beyond

Post by Jack Rothwell »

OOC Wow, lot of posts today!/OOC

Eli shrugged.

"I haven't read that part yet. I'd assume if the symbol is spoiled the caster won't be able to make the link and spell will fail."

'Don't do that.' Fucilious, again, in his head.

"I wouldn't try it." He added.
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Re: Goriel and beyond

Post by Alberich »

Tim nodded and accompanied Eli inside - well, there had been a battle in the morning, and a long airship ride, and a lot of emotional strain for them both. Who would question them going to their room a little early?

There were countless things Tim wanted to know - the name of this amazing ancient art - where Eli had learned it - who else knew it these days - whether two men could collaborate to bring forth a stronger creature - what they could do if they met an enemy using the same techniques (was there a way to take over an enemy's summoned creature? Or were you stuck with creating your own to kill it the old-fashioned way?) - how many creatures you could control at once....

He wasn't going to press any point Eli didn't want to talk about. [OOC: i.e., you can do as much of an exposition post as you're of a mind to.] But it was very easy for him to play the role of a young man eager to learn more, and follow in Eli's footsteps, and pick up this art himself. Because already it isn't entirely a role.

[OOC: Suggestion: After Eli and Tim, in the one room, and Rose and Argus and Desiree, in the other, are through with their "lessons of the night," howsoever long that takes, let's go to a new thread for the next day in Goriel. I'm not proposing to rush any of it because I am loving every piece.]
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Re: Goriel and beyond

Post by Drusia »

"I think that would be a fine idea," Sister Rose replied, getting startled looks from both Argus and Desiree. She turned to Argus. "Don't you agree, my lord and master? Her skills in massage and conversation would be most welcome at such a time."

OH. Massage and conversation. I... um... damn. For a second there... damn. I hope I'm not blushing too much. Ahem.

"Of course, My Lady," I say, following them. I pause long enough to say "Father Boris, if there's anything else you need to tell me, please let me know in the morning." I don't think there is much else - I feel pretty comfident after our discussion.

I follow Rose and Argus to their room, my head bowed. At the door, I pause. "My Lady, do you have massage oil, or should I get mine?"

-- Desiree
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Re: Goriel and beyond

Post by Graybeard »

"My Lady, do you have massage oil, or should I get mine?"

Unexpectedly, Sister Rose giggled. "Just a second." I'd really been holding onto this for a more ... private moment with Argus later, but under the circumstances ... She reached into her traveling bag and extracted a small bottle with the label
Calfornica's Finest
Luminositan Smiting Compound and Bath and Body Oil

"I picked this up as a souvenir in Getsemiel," she explained with a smile. "When I said the Calfornicans finish their smiting rituals with back rubs, I was completely serious ..."

<"And I promise, I'll make it up to you later for using this now,"> she thought at Argus, hoping that her mind-speech could accommodate a wink.

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Re: Goriel and beyond

Post by Drusia »

Unexpectedly, Sister Rose giggled. "Just a second."
Calfornica's Finest Luminositan Smiting Compound and Bath and Body Oil
"I picked this up as a souvenir in Getsemiel," she explained with a smile. "When I said the Calfornicans finish their smiting rituals with back rubs, I was completely serious ..."

"If you could remove your clothing and lay face down on the bed, please," I say, semiformally. I take the oil from Rose and look it over. Smiting Compound? I hope they mean post-smiting. If they use this oil during the actual smitings... all in all, I think I'm better off not knowing what goes on during a Luminosan smiting. Yikes.

I open the bottle. The oil inside is very smooth - good quality, not too sticky or thick. I touch a drop to my tongue. Grape seed, maybe? There's something else mixed in as well - best not to dwell on that - and it has a pleasant scent.

Speaking of pleasant, Argus and Rose have disrobed and are getting arranged on the bed. It's probably for the best that we've already seen one another nude, as that doesn't seem to be particularly embarassing anyone. I'm also glad that I didn't put my native clothing back on after getting unpacked earlier - it would have been quite cumbersom to remove alone, and I want it in good condition for tomorrow.

So. Rose, Argus, and I are all naked in their bedroom. This is not how I was expecting to spend thisevening.

I lower my head and stand next to the bed.

"My Lord," I say, addressing Argus - this is supposed to be practice after all, "Shall I begin with you, or with your lady wife?"

-- Desiree
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Re: Goriel and beyond

Post by Graybeard »

"Shall I begin with you, or with your lady wife?"

Sister Rose smiled. "It would be -- improper for me to precede my lord and master in such a thing," she gently reproved Desiree (having no idea whether, in Gorielian culture, she was right or not). "Please, proceed with him. I can wait."

And maybe pick up a thing or two to try in private later, by just watching, she thought but did not say.

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Re: Goriel and beyond

Post by Drusia »

"It would be -- improper for me to precede my lord and master in such a thing," she gently reproved Desiree (having no idea whether, in Gorielian culture, she was right or not). "Please, proceed with him. I can wait."

"As you wish," I say softly. I get into the bed, kneeling between Rose and Argus. I pour some of the oil into one hand, then set the bottle aside and cup my hands to warm the oil. It only takes a few seconds. I rub my hands together, then place my hands against Argus's back and begin to rub. The angle is awkward so, after only a few seconds, I adjust my seating so that I am straddling his buttocks.

I run my hands in long strokes across his back, my thumbs digging into the flesh along his spine. He tenses - he's been pretty tense since I straddled him, actually - but as I pop a series of knots along his back, he gasps, sighs, and relaxes. I work my way across his shoulders, my hands working out tension as they go. I take some extra time on his shoulder, where he had that strange wound. I'm still not sure what was going on with that, but the flesh feels normal now. I work the area with a little extra care anyway.

As I lean forward to work on his neck, my breasts brush against his back. I continue working without reaction or comment - nothing sexual happening here, no sir. I feel a kink in his neck and, leaning further and applying pressure, I realign the bone. Argus makes another slightly pained noise, then sighs as stiffness he probably didn't even know he had fades.

I pause for more oil and then slide down to straddle his knees. My hands move down to work his buttocks and thigh muscles. He tenses again, but I rub his butt with clinical detachment - or at least, that is what I project through my hands. The fact that I am feeling neither clinical nor detached... well, I'm almost as good at faking disinterest as I am at faking interest.

Speaking of which - I do not bother rubbing oil on his anus or testicles. There really isn't any reason to do that except as arousal, and I have this image in my head of Argus leaping out of bed if I were to try.

Instead, I continue down his legs, working his lower thighs and calves. I pause at his ankles, and stand, moving around to do his lower arms and hands. There is something very sensual about massaging someone's hands, but I keep it clinical. Once both of his hands are done, I return to his feet. Some say that the feet are the key to the rest of the body. With that in mind, I like to finish there - at least when I'm not working on the front. Which... well, unless they ask, I don't think it's a very good idea.

I take a moment to watch my hands in the basin - no one wants to be massaged with hands that have been rubbing someone's feet, which is the other reason I like to save them for last. Once my hands are clean, I climb back into the bed and ready some more oil.

I begin anew on Rose, straddling her butt. Her skin is amazing, for a human. I wonder how she does it. I wonder... several things I shouldn't be wondering. Repress, Desiree, repress. Calm. Clinical detachment. Oh look, her spine. Nothing particularly sexy about her spine. Or her shoulder blades. Bones are almost never sexy. Let's just make sure this one's in the right spot - pop - there it goes.

I keep it together until I go to massage her buttocks. It's just... so cute. I don't let my hands react, but... other parts that are currently pressed against the back of her thigh are less cooperative. I don't say anything, and Rose doesn't react - she's a lot better at that than Argus, she hasn't flinched or tensed at all that I've noticed. Then again, maybe she knew what to expect, after watching me massage Argus.

I work her legs, avoiding the parts that need avoiding. I do not flush with the massive embarrassment I'm feeling when I rub oil over the wet patch I left on her leg. My hands do not tremble. I'm a professional, damn it.

I work her arms, hands, and feet, all of which are far easier. I'm feeling calm and collected again by the time I go to wash my hands.

"I hope that pleased you, My Lord, My Lady," I say to them both, my eyes downcast. "Do you wish me to remain for conversation? Or... should I leave the two of you alone now?" I figure I should ask. If I were them, either of them, I'd want to take care of certain needs after that much sensuality. I wouldn't mind going back to my own room and taking care of a few needs myself. On the other hand, Argus has had some time to calm down, and Rose seems as serene as always, so perhaps I'm the only one who's having that issue.

I can manage either way. I wait, politely and patiently for their answer.

-- Desiree
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Re: Goriel and beyond

Post by Drannin »

(OOC: Good God. Step out for an evening and LOOK at what you miss!)

"Ah..." Argus tried, trying to form a concrete statement. "Well, uh..."

Weave, what did one say?

How did one express gratitude for one of the most erotic experiences of one's life, that had left one with a massive erection, to one woman while laying beside another woman upon whom you had a screaming urge to utilize said erection?

Life gave such hard decisions at times. So to speak.

So... have Desiree stay, and discuss what was going to transpire tomorrow, or ask her to leave so that utilization of genitalia could commence? If Argus was capable of a clear sentence right now, he might explain the conundrum. Well, with some editing, of course. As it was, a gorgeous half-elf woman had just massaged him thoroughly, and he had gotten to watch as she had done the same to Rose.

Screw it, he was passing the buck on this one.

"...Rose?" he muttered quietly, to seek her reaction and... well, reaction.
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Re: Goriel and beyond

Post by Graybeard »

At first, Sister Rose couldn't think of anything to say in response to the questions from Argus and Desiree other than a tranquil, contented purr of pure pleasure. It seemed like there'd been something else that she wanted to do, but somehow it didn't seem important at the moment ... Ah.

"Mmmmm. I guess we should talk about tomorrow," she smiled lazily. "There are ... plans to ... Oh, the hell with it." She started to roll over, then decided that might not be the best idea; Argus would feel obliged to do the same, and she'd figured out already that ... well, just say she didn't want to share.

"Thank you. That was wonderful. Let's just plan on being out of role briefly in the morning, okay? Sleep well." Of course, as soon as Desiree showed herself out, she dropped the "sleep well" part of that, and put on the Contraception spell; it seemed the thing to do under the circumstances.

[OOC: So shall we fast-forward to morning, at least with this part of the group?]

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