Goriel and Beyond, Part 5

As we play, occasionally we'll close a thread and open a new one to keep the size of threads (and relative complexity) down to a dull roar. Here's where we store the closed posts from the history of Errant Road.
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Re: Goriel and Beyond, Part 5

Post by Graybeard »

Wow, thought Sister Rose. He took that without a single comment. Had Lillith already told him? I don't know when she would have had time. Did he just not notice? I can't imagine him not reacting to the idea of being a grandfather ... but even though I've fallen in love with him, there are still things about this man that I don't know.

She returned to the matter at hand. "I think we have a plan, then. Noncombatants move the camp tomorrow, while the rest of us do what must be done. Let's turn in early, it's been a long day, and besides, it would be good to start after this bandit camp at first light, before any survivors are up and about. Therese, let's you and I take the first watch; we have some things to discuss."

[OOC: I hadn't planned on writing the dialogue between Rose and Therese here; it's mainly just bringing each other up to speed on what they do and don't know about the murky business ahead of them, and although the characters don't know it all, the players do. I'll write it if people wish, however. Also, this would probably be a good time to start a new thread, probably the last one in the Goriel setting unless things go weirdly.]

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Re: Goriel and Beyond, Part 5

Post by Alberich »

[OOC: Fine with new thread - busy 'til tonight - would actually be fine with jumping to morning and the second expedition.]

[OOC2: In the "Might Possibly Play Well With Others" forum, this post is number 12345.]
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Re: Goriel and Beyond, Part 5

Post by Graybeard »

OOC: OK, new thread up and running, picking up the next morning after a presumably uneventful night.

Because old is wise, does good, and above all, kicks ass.