Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters

As we play, occasionally we'll close a thread and open a new one to keep the size of threads (and relative complexity) down to a dull roar. Here's where we store the closed posts from the history of Errant Road.
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Jack Rothwell
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Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters

Post by Jack Rothwell »

The Curious Narwahl cut through the waves like a sleek fish, putting rapid lengths between itself and the disappearing port town of Grendell.

Captain Moriaty matched smartly across the deck, his flamboyant red clothes catching the afternoon sun and turning him into a blazing beacon as he voiced instructions to his crew with the easy-tones of a man used to being in charge. The merchant vessel reached it's maximum speed smoothly; it looked as if they would be on schedule to land at Lorrel the following afternoon. The atmosphere among the crew of the merchant ship was genial, and a little distracted by the return of the exotic passengers who'd accompanied them on the trip to the Southern Continent. However, not all of the passengers felt the same way.

Tamina stood at the stern of the ship, leaning on the railings and watching her home receeding into the distance. The kobold hadn't spoken to anyone since she'd come aboard, instead making a trip to her cabin to stow away the magical trinkets she'd taken from her hated enemies, then heading to the rear of the vessel in search of solitude and the open air.

Her mind was still on the funeral, of standing over the grave of someone she loved and sprinkling dust on the shroud-wrapped body nestled in the earth. The words she'd recited still rung in her ears, as she suspected they would do for some time to come.

'Body return to earth
Mind return to air
Memory stay with your people'

Those memories would stay, painful as they were. Gabriel's brutal attack on her home had cost her the one person who'd been a constant pillar of support in the kobold's life. Her sitter as a gah, her mother after her parents had been lost, her teacher when she found she had the gift for magic, and Elder to the whole village when old Dallesh had passed on. All of that was gone now, she was gone, all because of one sword thrust Tamina hadn't been able to stop.

The humanoid stared at the waves and tried, unsuccessfully, to stop thinking about it.

OOC I leave it to Grey whether Khoo opted to accompany the group or book passage on another vessel home. With the previous thread still open anyone can add details retrospectively./OOC
Last edited by Jack Rothwell on January 2nd, 2013, 9:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters

Post by Alberich »

Udo, after another session of sparring with Angrist, was also lost in thought. The thoughts he was lost in were things like ow! ow! ow! and let's play something else, now.
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Re: Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Keeping the mind busy, that was the thing.

Tamina forced her attention away from the rolling sea and turned it towards an unattended bucket that one of the crewman had been mopping the deck from when the passengers had come aboard. She gritted her teeth and forced her mind towards the magic lesson Argus had given her before they'd split from Rose's group, the trick kobolds traditionally never learned, using her mana beyond physical contact.

The kobold held out her hand towards the small container and channeled, feeling the energy building in her body like a burst dam, the normal reaction in the cat-like humanoid's fast metabolism. She tried to reach towards it, no body of mass to push the energy through this time, just the naked air. The exercise was the mental equivelant of scrambling up a steep cliff covered in loose tile, it went against everything she'd ever learned about the art. Despite her best efforts, she felt her legs wanting to sprint towards her target, her hands wanting to reach forward and simply grab the thing. She made a strained noise, feeling a flicker, something as light as a butterfly taking flight and then, just as quickly, was gone.

The kobold dropped her hands and made a frustrated noise. She stepped smartly to the innocent cleaning tool and kicked it over, her mouth twisting in anger.

"<Killikah cub!>" Captain Moriaty's voice. He spoke in soothing tones as he used his gift for languages to try to calm the distressed humanoid. "<Whatever's the matter?>"

"<Everything!>" She shouted. Her eyes beggining to fill up again. She pressed a hand against her mouth and pushed past the man, making a beeline for the stairs leading below deck. The faint sound of a slamming door was heard a moment later.
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Re: Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters

Post by Graybeard »

OOC: Assume that Khoo is staying with the group for the moment. However, he doesn't have much to say. I, if not necessarily Khoo, will be more conversational once a thrice-accursed flu bug finally leaves our house, after being an unwelcome visitor for the last three weeks.

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Re: Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters

Post by Alberich »

It was some little while later that Udo learned where Tamina had gone. Just right now he'd rather lie around nursing his injuries and wishing for kobold concoctions to deaden the pain. But duty called. Using his staff to help him walk -- what a strange use for it, he thought -- he managed to make it to the door she was behind.

*knock* *knock*
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Re: Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters

Post by Jack Rothwell »

OOC Flu Grey? You and me both bud, I just had three days off and spent most if it bed-ridden, feverish and coughing my lungs inside out. Got a full weekend coming up but I'll try and get something in both threads over the next few days. I'll edit in here if no-one posts in the meantime./OOC

Udo's knock was greeted by several moments of silence before the door opened to reveal the kobold, her eyes glistening as she wiped them with the palm of her free hand. She spoke in a quiet, trembling voice to her concerned knight protector.

"Erm... hi Udo... is everything ok?"
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Re: Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters

Post by Drusia »

Jack Rothwell wrote:OOC Flu Grey? You and me both bud, I just had three days off and spent most if it bed-ridden, feverish and coughing my lungs inside out./OOC
OOC: Same here. Ugh. **blows nose**
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Re: Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters

Post by Alberich »

"Erm... hi Udo... is everything ok?"

"With me? Sure it is!" he replied. Which it was, provided his aching limbs and bruised body didn't count as part of "everything."

"But how about with you? You look sad. Maybe not a good time to be alone. Want to talk a little?"
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Re: Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters

Post by Graybeard »

OOC: Sorry to hear about the other flu victims, and if it's any consolation, let it be known that Khoo, who you recall is prone to seasickness, probably doesn't feel any better at the moment than the players do. He'll be keeping to his cabin and trying not to barf until landfall is made, at which time he'll emerge (and a minor twist will be coming, nothing that grossly interferes with the "plot").

I, on the other hand, am finally back among the living, and will resume posting as soon as there's something to reply to. Any further services needed from Dr. Rabbitfoot?

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Re: Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Tamina nodded mutely and opened the door fully to allow the highwayman to enter her cabin. The kobold sat down heavily on her cot and gestured for Udo to take the stool opposite.

"I don't know what to do!" She said, trying to articulate the problem. "It's my fault, I failed! I couldn't save Leli or the Killikah, and Leli was the only one of us who was strong enough to stand against Fucilious, and now she's gone. She's gone because I couldn't get to her in time!"

Tamina's voice cracked again at the last few words, but she managed to hold back another crying fit.

OOC Getting better, enough to muster the concentration to type at least./OOC