Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters (part 2)

As we play, occasionally we'll close a thread and open a new one to keep the size of threads (and relative complexity) down to a dull roar. Here's where we store the closed posts from the history of Errant Road.
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Re: Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters (part 2)

Post by Browncoat »

{Time to drop out of this story}
Angrist pulled Udo aside and showed him what he'd written on his slate.
"I need you to come with me to keep a promise I made and it's a long way to go. We can take one day to recuperate first. But the others have their own way to go. Say goodbye in the manner that seems best to you"
Once Udo had read it, Angrist flipped the slate over and presented it to Drusia.
"It's been an honor and a pleasure, but other matters require my attention now. May your skies remain"
Angrist bowed to each of his allies and nodded to the rest. He turned around and was walking away when a thought struck him. He pulled out the Ralkin amulet from before and tossed it back without looking. This wasn't the first time the monk had walked away from people, but it was the first time he felt like he'd be missed. Angrist was weary, but it never would've occurred to him that some of the weariness was emotional.

[OOC: Just realizing the parallel of emotional immaturity between Angrist and Sara which I never planned. If someone wants to give him a goodbye hug or something, go ahead; he wouldn't object, but he also wouldn't think of it himself. Emotionally speaking, Angrist has some growing up to do. Oh, and fyi, 'may your skies remain' is his equivalent of 'farewell']
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Re: Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters (part 2)

Post by Alberich »

"I need you to come with me to keep a promise I made and it's a long way to go. We can take one day to recuperate first. But the others have their own way to go. Say goodbye in the manner that seems best to you"

Udo read that and pumped a fist. Kenpo training journey! Woohoo! "I'm in, Sensei!" he said.

When Angrist tossed that Ralkin amulet, Udo didn't wait for anyone else to do anything. He caught it, laid it on a rock, and smashed it with the end of his staff. Then he had a brief discussion with Tamina, explaining that he must go a different way now -- but wishing her all the luck in the world, and trading promises that they would see each other again someday. "And look after yourself...and when you get home, look after Alleece, too. She's a silly but she's a darling, and brave and wonderful like all kobolds. And...and tell all the gah about your heroic defense of the village. Those kobolds were heroes and everyone ought to know. Don't let the legend die!"

His eyes were almost as shiny as hers but for different reasons. A last embrace and it was done.

So by midday, while Khoo was in town meeting Smitty and Drusia and Tamina were meeting Rose and Argus, Angrist was getting some well-earned peace and quiet at the campsite. And Udo? Udo made his stiff-legged walk back into town, to take advantage of some therapy that'd been offered by the Eisenfaust.

It was evening before he returned -- and in an excess of generosity, the Eisenfaust had thrown in a loose tunic, sash, and hat, so that Udo's journey would not be half-naked, and the blood-biting insects of Farrel would have much less acreage to assert their squatters' rights. They'd even thrown in some bread and cheese, and some broad hints that they heartily endorsed Udo's plan to get out of town and not come back for a long time.* What they hadn't thrown in was any cash. And since Udo's proceeds from the Southern Continent adventure had been stolen by Jargalan, who hadn't had it on him at the time of his death, he assumed that meant they'd have to work their way along from village to village.

But that suited Udo just fine. Martial arts comics often featured masters and students who had to travel across the land with little in their pockets, taking manual labor and getting into adventures to put bread in their mouths. And of course they were true to life!

*In fact, the Eisenfaust were very happy to see anyone with memories of any dead elves in the streets of Port Lorrel to take those memories far, far away. Such memories were getting scarcer by the moment.

[OOC: I'll start the new thread tomorrow, unless you prefer to.]

[OOC2: New thread here.]
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Re: Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters (part 2)

Post by Jack Rothwell »

OOC Dru, you got anything you want to write before the merge? Figured she might ask after Desiree, or maybe pay her a visit in the other thread?/OOC
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Re: Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters (part 2)

Post by Graybeard »

[OOC: I think we'd all like to get Rose and Argus to end their "vacation" from the other thread, go back there, and head north to deal with the next BBEG. However, it's hard to do it without taking the bull by the horns about Drusia and Desiree. So let's. Merge and re-sort to follow as soon as this is responded to.]

Sister Rose kept up the appearances of amiable chatting with Tamina, who apparently was going to be joining her for the trip north. But there was another issue...

<"I'm worried about Desiree,"> she mind-spoke to Drusia; no reason to stir up trouble with out-loud speech. <"What we're about to do is going to be kind of... dangerous. And it's something you may have more of a stake in than she does.">

Whether she would go on to elaborate about the death cult would be Drusia's call. She continued to make welcoming noises to Tamina as she awaited a reply.

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Re: Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters (part 2)

Post by Drannin »

Argus for his part was entirely willing to teach the young kobold. After all, she was bright and eager to learn. What more could a man want?
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Re: Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters (part 2)

Post by Graybeard »

Sister Rose smiled gently at the interaction between Argus and Tamina. Ever the professor, and a good one. Plus, from a pragmatic perspective, strengthening the north-bound party by one kobold could only be a good thing.

Sudden warmth in one of the folds of her robe interrupted her reveries. She fished around in a pocket and found the small figurine that Therese had given her. It was glowing and decidedly warm to the touch. Therese hadn't described the capabilities of the thing before passing it to Rose, but the interpretation was clear enough.

"I think Therese is in trouble," she said, both her interest in Drusia's response and her pleasure at the resumption of the student/teacher relationship yielding to concern about her friend. It was time to head north.

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Re: Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters (part 2)

Post by Alberich »

Audie had been testing out Mordan's magic whistle on some temple garden pests and evicting them humanely - he hadn't yet learned how to make stew out of them. He would be very easy to find when it was time to leave.
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Re: Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters (part 2)

Post by Graybeard »

[OOC: Following some off-line talk with Drusia-the-player, gonna put two little bits of mind-speech in Drusia-the-elf's "mouth," and then I'd like to move this back to the Dalton thread. Note that there's a retcon here; I'd forgotten that Drusia does know Therese decently well, from the fun and games in Goriel.]

<"The same Therese that we met in Goriel, I assume?"> Drusia spoke in Sister Rose's mind. <"And how does her being in danger affect my daughter?">

<"There have been some developments,"> Rose thought back. I wish I was more sure about this, but here goes anyway. <"We're closing in on these death cultists, and Therese went ahead of us to -- scout them."> I'm going to keep telling myself that. <"But the thing is, I'm pretty sure Desiree was starting to form an -- attraction for her before she left. And when I tell Desiree ... Drusia, I'm worried that she just isn't going to be up for a fight against these people, or creatures, or whatever they are ... but her passion, her capacity for love isn't going to let her stop, no matter how scared she is."> She swallowed. <"Nor, in her shoes, would I.">

[OOC: OK, let's follow-up in the other thread, and put this one to bed.]

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Re: Port Lorrel- Puppet Masters (part 2)

Post by Graybeard »

OOC: OK, with the Rose-oriented action back in the other thread, does anyone have a reason not to close this one? Anything yet to be done by characters who aren't going either with Rose or to Salaband? If not, I'll lock and move it.

EDIT: And locked. Will leave here for a day or two for background, etc.

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