Seven(?) against the Convergence

As we play, occasionally we'll close a thread and open a new one to keep the size of threads (and relative complexity) down to a dull roar. Here's where we store the closed posts from the history of Errant Road.
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Re: Seven(?) against the Convergence

Post by Graybeard »

[OOC: No worries, D, we'll just drag Argus along ... he's a very important character in all this, and we'll treat him well ;) while waiting for you to come up for air when you can.]

"Since it did, I think that means our primary mission is to get home alive. And we should keep as quiet as possible, and not show those letters to anyone, but deliver them up to the right authorities when we get home. That's how I see it."

Sister Rose shook her head. "No, that's not right -- well, it's half right, our first task is to survive, but the letters weren't written to the people in the pl-- great temple, they were written to us. Specifically, to me." There was another person in the group that Father Amalric had said should see the contents, but there would be a time and a place for that. "Part of what's in the long one is instructions, in his inimitable style, on what to tell the board of inquiry, if there is one. We're to say he died in the crash of an airship testing a new propulsion system." She laughed humorlessly. "That's true, after all."

She turned to Desiree. "I think you're half right, too. He wanted someone to be able to take back word, all right, rather than going out alone, unloved, forgotten. But he didn't want us to see him die ... and for that matter, we didn't see him die. For all we know, he could have abandoned ship, jumped to safety in time to avoid the big bang, and he's still out there somewhere." A look passed between the two women. "Yes, I know, I don't believe that any more than you do. But he still made sure we wouldn't know. We'd only have our thoughts and our interpretations."

"But one thing I don't get," Therese put in, "is why he had to die at all. If I understand you correctly, that airship just about flew itself. Why would he have to pilot it to its target? Why not take a spot in the escape glider along with the rest of us? He probably built it, or had it built, expecting to use it for his own escape, since he didn't know we were coming."

Now that was an interesting thought, Rose reflected. "I don't know," she finally said. "Being Amalric, I'm sure he had his reasons. Maybe he'd discovered he was terminally ill, like your friend Lady Vatnikov, and didn't want to die a lingering death. Maybe he'd got tired of living. Your Melusine pre-deceased him, and I suspect her mother -- his wife, lover, whatever -- did too. Maybe -- I just don't know. And I don't think we ever will know."

Therese nodded sadly. "One thing I do know," she said, "is that on every high holy day of the Five Great Mothers, I'll pray for his immortal soul."

"Amen," Rose said. "And so will I."

[OOC: New thread going up in the morning, but this one is still open for final thoughts.]

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Re: Seven(?) against the Convergence

Post by Alberich »

Tim's only thought was that a father, however exalted his military rank, had no right to expect them to withhold information from a bishop...and the inquiry into Father Amalric's death was more likely to be headed by an archbishop, if not the Cardinal Inquisitor himself. Tim didn't raise this point to Rose. What would've been the point? Time and again she'd shown she had her own set of priorities, quite beyond service to Church and Country, and from the sound of tihngs maybe Amalric had as well. Well, Tim wasn't going to hide them from the proper authorities - though Rose seemed entirely relaxed about hiding them from her own Church while revealing them to this gaggle of heathens, when the time came, Tim would do his duty.
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Re: Seven(?) against the Convergence

Post by Drusia »

"Your Melusine pre-deceased him, and I suspect her mother -- his wife, lover, whatever -- did too. Maybe -- I just don't know. And I don't think we ever will know."
Therese nodded sadly. "One thing I do know," she said, "is that on every high holy day of the Five Great Mothers, I'll pray for his immortal soul."
"Amen," Rose said. "And so will I."

I blink. Wait, what?

I look between Rose and Therese. Rose said that Melusine - Therese's dead ex-lover - pre-deceased him. You only say that about....

"I didn't realize Melusine was Veracian," I tell Therese softly. I don't bother adding like me since it is both obvious and only geographically correct rather than culturally correct. It sounds like Melusine was the later. Also, I can't think of a more polite or subtle of a way to ask holy shit, was that your father-in-law who just exploded?! - which is a question I'd really like answered.

-- Desiree

OOC: Ah, being separated for a bit has its benefits. Desiree missing that reveal - and it being revealed now - was quiet amusing.
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Re: Seven(?) against the Convergence

Post by Graybeard »

"I didn't realize Melusine was Veracian."

Therese had learned to keep her feelings from displaying on the window into the soul that was her face, but at this comment, a combination of bafflement and remembered pain marched across her features.

"I never knew," she finally got out. "I never knew. Many of us in the Sisterhood did not grow up in Refuge-Nouveau, but came there as children, just as I did. Then we were -- trained --" she didn't want to use the terms brainwashed or programmed, and not just because working in Goriel had caused her to resort reflexively to euphemisms -- "to forget our origins, also just as I did. To this day I couldn't tell you anything about the small town where I was born. I always thought Mel was one of those. She never talked about her roots either. I ... this has all been quite the surprise."

And there is more to follow, thought Sister Rose as she felt the letter from Father Amalric in the folds of her robe. But there was a time and a place for everything, and for that part of the letter, a trail in the middle of the troll lands was neither. She kept her thoughts to herself as they followed the trail down into the boreal forest.

[OOC: New thread now up, to continue this trek. Note also that there is another new thread, in the OOC sub-forum, on creating the culture of Clovius. Ideas wanted!]

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