Clovius and beyond

As we play, occasionally we'll close a thread and open a new one to keep the size of threads (and relative complexity) down to a dull roar. Here's where we store the closed posts from the history of Errant Road.
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Re: Clovius and beyond

Post by Alberich »

[OOC: Then I say let him stay in Clovius and disappear from view. I'm swamped this week, up to Saturday at least, but I'll try to look in when I can.]
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Re: Clovius and beyond

Post by Graybeard »

[OOC: OK, then so shall it be. Probable fork coming shortly, at the end of this thread, which should be soon.]

Sister Rose stepped outside to receive the parrot, and before she stepped back in, she took a moment to compose her face into an expression of generally positive neutrality. The message in the slip of paper she held represented good news for at least one party member. (Probably.) What the bird had had to say in a classified way ... Put it behind me and move on.

"News from the Pl-- Emerylon," she announced, holding up the paper. "Tim's request to stay here and try to revive the Luminositan Church has been approved. He won't be traveling south with us." She turned to Tim with a smile that, in another world, would have been described as Mona-Lisa-like. "Congratulations."

And I pray that this was the right thing, for all concerned.

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Re: Clovius and beyond

Post by Alberich »

Tim responded to Rose's enigmatic smile with a grin of pure delight -- something he hadn't worn in a long while. He had no doubts that it was right. It showed the Church did care about its Faithful, especially those who were steadfath in their faith. Staying here and suffering alongside this beleaguered little community seemed like the perfect way to spend a lifetime. Far better than a medals-and-honors-bestrewed path with the Soiled Nun. He was eager to join his new congregation and get started.

"Wonderful!" he said. And since he guessed the purpose of Rose's sightseeing he added, "Was I right about the temple?"
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Re: Clovius and beyond

Post by Jack Rothwell »

"Temple had some women going in showing lots of legs." Tamina volunteered, with a slight glaze in her eyes. "Don't think they were nuns. But... you're really staying Tim? What 'bout the bad men?"
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Re: Clovius and beyond

Post by Alberich »

"Father Amalric took care of them," said Tim. "Now Rose only has to go back and tell our superiors all about it."
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Re: Clovius and beyond

Post by Jack Rothwell »

OOC Wait.. What? If Amalric took out the cult with his suicide run isn't that completely anticlimactic? And defeats the pupose of the group being here in the first place?/OOC
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Re: Clovius and beyond

Post by Graybeard »

[OOC: Yeah, a little anticlimactic, but this thread complex has always been more about character interactions than violence. Another very important thing is that the original plot plan, launched a very long time ago by Viking-Sensei and myself, was pointing toward a grand finale that would have been violent indeed, but it ceased to make sense once the players and characters changed from the original cast. When this thing finally subsides, I'll post a Big Reveal that explains how and why. (Preview: losing Jamie made a huge difference in the way this plot worked, or did not work.) So to move in that direction, and let Rose give a further preview:]

"Tamina, there are always more bad men out there," Sister Rose answered gently. "Father Amalric took care of one particular bunch of them, a bunch that if I understand right, was trying to revive the elven death god so they could use it to rule the world." Therese nodded gravely at this assessment; Rose had shown her the letter from Amalric by now. "We can thank the various things we worship and follow that that didn't happen. But there are many others, and there always will be. The bad men in Goriel who enslave women. Others who want to pervert the religion Tim and I follow for their own goals of ruling the world." The Millenarians, never mind that I've been told to leave them alone, and sometimes I wonder about the conservative faction in the main church. "Whoever it was that killed people in our church over a thing called the 'Artifact of Absonial' -- you don't know about that, and be glad you don't." Although I damn well wish I knew more about that -- or maybe I don't, and that's another thing I've been told to leave alone. "Whoever, if any, are left of the bad men that attacked your Killikah village. The ones that hunt people like Desiree --" she nodded her head at the young woman -- "just because their parents were who they were. And on and on."

She leaned forward and gave Tamina's hand a soft squeeze. "We fight the good fight where and when we can, Tammy. Except for Tim, we're done fighting it here, Luminosita be thanked for that. He's going to stay behind and help people in our church here in Clovius fight the good fight. We're going home ... but we're not going to stop being the good guys. I hope you'll come with us."

Says the woman who's probably going to opt out of the fight altogether ... in favor of ... other things. But a family is a good thing too.

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Re: Clovius and beyond

Post by Jack Rothwell »

Tamina let out a sigh at the news that was half-relief, half-regret. On the one paw she'd been geared up to fight the good fight and stop the bad men from doing evil things, on the other death mages sounded bloody ominous and were certainly life threateningly dangerous.

"Glad they're gone." She said, as one pronouncing a verdict. "And, umm, yeah would be nice to travel some more, wanted to study magic a little longer. Think it'll help m'people rebuild."

A brief flash of sadness was replaced by a smile which was almost coy. And it was directed at Rose.

"'sides. Think I should take the chance to learn when I can. You never know when things are going to get... busy."

OOC Kobolds have a really good sense of smell. Hope that's ok Grey./OOC
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Re: Clovius and beyond

Post by Graybeard »

If Sister Rose was aware of the double entendre, she didn't show it. [OOC: She wouldn't have been, or at least not part of it, for reasons that will eventually appear. /OOC:] "You'll be welcome with us," she smiled, "although we won't be fighting the bad guys quite as -- vigorously as in the recent past."

This caused Therese to raise an eyebrow. "Rose, I think it's so much part of your nature to make the world better, to take it back from the bad guys, that you're not going to stop being you. But I guess I can see you taking a break for a while." For nine months or a bit more, say, if I'm reading you right. "And you know what? That sounds good to me too. I want to go home and recuperate for a while."

And then she turned to Desiree. "And I'd love it if you came with me. Do you absolve Rose of her promise to get you back to the village of your birth?" She squeezed Desiree's hand in a way that everyone present could see.

It wasn't exactly a marriage proposal, far from it, but it was something.

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Re: Clovius and beyond

Post by Drusia »

"And you know what? That sounds good to me too. I want to go home and recuperate for a while."
And then she turned to Desiree. "And I'd love it if you came with me. Do you absolve Rose of her promise to get you back to the village of your birth?" She squeezed Desiree's hand in a way that everyone present could see.

"Yes," I say immediately. Therese will likely make a somewhat better protector than Rose did - if for no other reason than how many ways Rose's attention has been divided.

"Although," I add, "Do let my mother know where I'm at when you see her." I do want to go home at some point - and maybe take Therese with me - but my mother is a far more efficient method of accomplishing that. At least she is when she's not on a mission.

-- Desiree