TheLastOutlaw wrote:I inferred. What you don't want is to google Taiwanese lady boy. Unless you already did in which case I am sorry, my heartfelt apologies to you.
This makes me want to Google "Taiwanese lady boy".
Not because I don't know what that means, but it just sounds like a good time now that you bring it up...
-Forrest Cameranesi, Geek of All Trades
"I am Sam. Sam I am. I do not like trolls, flames, or spam."
SubversiveCynic wrote:In the Easter comic, I think "Oh Me fuck" might supposed to be "Oh fuck Me". I think.You like the tv shows game of thrones, well, in this post, I have a new game for you called wartune, which is in large part based on the same novel of "A Song of Ice and Fire". You will be climbing into the Scarlet Blade and become swear to one of houses. However if you want to play war gaming, then Stormfall: Age of War is the best choice for you. because you can make friends by playing social games.
"Oh Me fuck" not means fuck anyone,just a sentence without any meaning,you can understand it as "oh my god"
Last edited by deltata on October 31st, 2012, 2:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
In the last panel of The One Where We Talk About D&D Next I think that "I need an gestation loom manager!" should be "I need a gestation loom manager!"
In the first panel of How Dawnguard Probably Should have Ended. I think that elaberate should be elaborate, or possibly even elaborately if the word is describing how the tomb was sealed rather than just describing the tomb itself.
In Won't Somebody Please Think of the Coal Companies?! I see three typos:
Panel 1: thoudsandth should be thousandth
Panel 2: corperate should be corporate
Panel 4: do over should be do-over (to make the verb a noun)