Does Not Type Well With Fingers - The Typo Thread

Follow the adventures of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Fran and Naga in this all-new humorous entry to the growing Poeverse.
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Re: Does Not Type Well With Fingers - The Typo Thread

Post by kaitou »

In, panel 4: "groups such the orcs" should be "groups such as the orcs"?
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Re: Does Not Type Well With Fingers - The Typo Thread

Post by kaitou »

In panel 2: "we need to get pass there" should be "we need to get past there"?
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Re: Does Not Type Well With Fingers - The Typo Thread

Post by Forrest »

Speaking of bugs, in, "found out out broken" near the end of panel 1 (should be "found out how broken" presumably).
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Re: Does Not Type Well With Fingers - The Typo Thread

Post by Graybeard », panel 2: Naga's "injuried" should be "injured" and should be followed by a period.

Panel 1: "trimed" should be "trimmed".

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Re: Does Not Type Well With Fingers - The Typo Thread

Post by dark_lord_zagato »

First panel. Nikki says "Did she make you sigh a lease?"
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Re: Does Not Type Well With Fingers - The Typo Thread

Post by azhrei Vep »

Also in the first panel, from Nikki: "Maybe it's not to late to find literally anywhere else." You want "too."

Also also: Yes, there is a rule that would make 'indecenter' wrong, you got that right. For three-syllable or larger words, you go with 'more' and 'most', not '-er' and '-est.' Things get a bit weird with two syllables, because English is mess, but three is pretty solid.
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